Channeling Spirit's Love for Healing

channeling spirits love for healing et HX6VZ1MxC 580wcroppedbrightSurrendering to our Higher Power opens the floodgates of Spirit’s love to channel into us and through us for miracles to happen. What does it mean to completely surrender to the Divine?

Most importantly, it requires the intention and a confident belief in it happening.

Let’s explore some details of how we can surrender more to our Higher Power and Channel Spiritual Divine Love.

The fast track to dissolving resistance between you and your Higher Power is to become aware of the thought patterns that are posing questions of disbelief or doubt.

Anything within your subconscious mind that contributes to concerns, fears or doubts about feeling safe, one with and intimately connected to your Creator is what we want to shine a light on.

Because interestingly enough, the resistance or walls that we have between us and Spirit are the same walls that you will see between yourself and the world around you physically.

If we feel unsafe and scared in one part of our life, that fear will translate into other parts of our existence.

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Psychics – Get the Most Value From Your Reading

psychics get the most value from your reading g BYEwgy4s5g 580wA Psychic Reading is simply reading information about a part of the Universe with our Nonphysical intuitive senses.

Sometimes we like to go to a professional to have them read an aspect of our life or the Universe for us, so that we can have insight to make the best decisions.

Other times we are the professional psychic doing the reading for someone and want to produce the most purposeful, effective experience for that client that comes to us.

The fact of the matter is, we are all constantly reading existence with our psychic perception because it’s a natural soul ability within us. But that doesn’t mean that many people are even aware of what they’re doing.

To get the most value from a reading for another human being, we want to look at a few things that indicate deeper value and accuracy, with information that is actionable.

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Oneness with Spirit – Your Heart Opening to Divine Love

oneness with spirit your heart opening to divine love 121 img 4666 580wOpening your heart to Divine love happens when we take that big leap of faith to trust Spirit.

Surrendering to the Divine is the simplest thing you’ll ever do. But it can also be the most challenging leap of faith, as you let go of the way you’ve navigated your life to embrace your spiritual compass that is fully activated when you are One with Spirit.

My first memories of when my heart closed down to Divine love was with television and movies that depicted an unsafe physical world and an unsafe spiritual world.

Cartoons were brutal and violent. Elmer Fudd trying to shoot and kill Daffy Duck, Wile E. Coyote trying to kill in so many ways the Road Runner, Tom and Jerry attacking each other. These are examples of cartoons I grew up on. Around five years old I began watching scary movies that depicted poltergeists and evil spirit’s haunting and harming innocent people.

What was happening subconsciously is an even deeper disconnect from my innate knowing of what Spirit and God actually are, as all loving beings that would only do what is for our highest benefit. Now introduced to me was the possibility that these invisible forces could do harm to me.

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New Divine Chapter – Spirit’s Plan For You Now

new divine chapter spirits plan for you now ws BmOz71zgC 580x387brightcolorpopHuman potential is being accessed now more than ever by humanity. It’s the time we’re in, this great shift of the ages called the Age of the Soul, where we are returning to our eternal spiritual nature—LOVE.

Support from Spirit Guides is stronger than ever, in the history of our incarnation experience, because of a Divine Plan that was set in motion millions of years ago for how our evolution as a species would unfold. The spiritual significance of this era is that while it may not be so apparent, humanity is transcending ego-based living. This ascension or alignment into our soul self is possible and Spirit has a plan to help us accomplish soul-based living.

Their plan is for them:

• to be more involved in our day-to-day lives,
• to help us make more soul-based decisions,
• and understand what true unconditional love is and how to experience it.

But for them to help, we need to:

1. Ask, expecting to receive answers every time with confidence, humility and patience,
2. Knowing that Spirit’s supportive advice may contradict our own human desires, and that it is healthy to have that difference of opinion from our beloved guides.

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Deeper Love – Intuitive Hits On What You Need

deeper love intuitive hits on what you need MG 7738v3 580x387pxWhere does INTUITION and LOVE meet?

A simplified but advanced understanding is that love means acceptance, and acceptance means to have a neutral, nonjudgmental, detached – but grounded – feeling and thought process.

Love = Acceptance = Neutral, Nonjudgmental, Detached.

Clear love may be rare at times, but is the most harmonious life-sustaining approach to everything. LOVE…

• Allows you to be in your true, most expansive soul-based existence;
• Is as if you have removed all filters and resistance from your experience of how you see, feel, hear and know your life and the world;
• Does not activate your intuitive potential as much as it simply allows your greatest intuitive potential to be, thrive and exist;

As a result, you openly and deeply feel love and witness—with clear intuition—the vast, multi-dimensional beauty and wisdom of your life and purpose.

Therefore, clear love provides to you clear intuitive hits and vice versa.

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Two Souls As One – Love Is For Everyone

two souls as one love is for everyone 0 9799 28 580x387brightUnconditional Love is the deepest foundation of every Universal Law in Existence. But what is it? What is this intangible power?

Unconditional Love = Unconditional Acceptance.

Remember this doesn’t mean you’re agreeing. It means you are accepting, which is complete detachment. One can feel deep compassion and be detached at the same time. One can completely disagree and accept at the same time. Accepting is not sacrificing your truth of being.

Acceptance is being grounded in reality and embracing reality for what it is in the moment. But in the same moment, you may have a vision for how you want reality to become different without a “need” for it to be different.

Does this make sense?

This explanation I have shared is the interesting balance of living as a soul in physical form and choosing unconditional love in this moment, given the circumstances that are happening in the world around you. When you use Five Accomplishments® Coaching, which is a specific sequence of sessions to sync into your soul’s rhythm, you realign each part of yourself to be in the vibration of unconditional love. You also become fully grounded in the current events of this world, which gives you the power to change them!

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Divine Portals – Spiritual Energy We Need

divine portals spiritual energy we need north k jn blog 580x387Allowing the Universe to work for you, in a more direct and active way, means learning how to work with the energy openings or portals throughout space and time.

Energy portals, simply put, grant you access to the unseen Nonphysical Universe. It is like pulling back the curtain and seeing what’s behind it. When you do this, and are able to do this anytime at will, you become fully spiritually empowered. It’s one thing to get a sense for what’s going on behind the scenes of physical life, but it’s entirely different to see behind the curtain into the Spirit World as clearly as you see this Physical World before you now.

“What can I do with such a perception?” you might ask. Mastering Psychic Retrieval® grants you access to peer through these Universal Energy Portals.

Is it easier to put a jigsaw puzzle together blindfolded, or is it easier to put the puzzle together seeing every piece clearly?

Mastering Psychic Retrieval® takes off your blindfold so you can pull back the curtain and view what is hidden to most people on the planet. This is freeing, empowering, illuminating, joyful, and presents you an understanding about your eternal self in a way you have never seen before. You truly open up to the infinite possibilities of this vast, magical Universe!

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Recoding Your Subconscious to Joy and Love

recoding your subconscious to joy and love x 0129 23 580wcroppedbrightImagine your subconscious mind as a vast storehouse of every experience you’ve had during this lifetime. Layer upon layer, our subconscious mind is coded with every perception we have, starting from when we are in our mother’s womb. From the first moments of physical consciousness, our viewpoint of life is being built. Once we come out into the world, there is no filter on our mind. Our mind receives and imprints all that we witness. This greatly shapes our future experiences that we will have.

As we grow into our teenage years and beyond, our subconscious mind is greatly formed. But we have the ability to discern and filter what we accept as our version of reality. This formation process of our subconscious mind directly determines how joy and love are inspired from our interactions with the world, and how these wonderful feelings are also restricted and muffled.

For some joy is fleeting, felt only for moments at a time. For others joy is more consistent and expansive, filling each day and most interactions with people.

One thing that we all have in common is a deep desire or longing for more joy and love. To feel love and joy deeper and more sustainable is at the heart of every person’s vision for life.

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Conscious Leadership: Guiding Your Family into Soul-Based Living

conscious leadership guiding your family into soul based living an 16 557 580w brightYour family is your greatest opportunity to be a leader. And when you have the respect of being a leader in your family, you can be a leader anywhere – in the office, with friends, in your community, and even globally.

Parents and teachers have the most profound role in leading children by exemplifying soul-based living. Simply put, this is living your life through the perspective of love.

Soul-based living is teaching children that instead of judging and reacting, we are choosing to observe and learn. Soul-based living is choosing to love and accept, no matter what, unconditionally. Because after all, real love is without conditions.

As a young child, I experienced feeling judged by my family with their own belief systems about what a “good girl” and “bad girl” is. Later as a teenager, I felt unaccepted and was often considered to be the “black sheep” of my family. My parents didn’t know what to do with me because I was different. For me, one of the saddest things was not being understood by my parents, and therefore feeling unaccepted and unloved. Many children and adults have had a similar experience and are still struggling with the feeling of not having a place in this world. Understanding is a soul-based quality.

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What Spirit Guides Say About Soul Mates

what spirit guides say about soul mates G 5977 425 580wGenuine spiritual relationships are not as rare as some might think. Soul mates, twin flames, life partners, marriage. . . We are going to clarify the difference and similarities.

It is every person's destiny to be in relationship with another person. Relationships are our greatest opportunity to receive the spiritual experiences our soul wanted to have when it planned and envisioned this most beneficial lifetime.

Humans are not naturally meant to be alone or isolated; it goes against how the Source designed the incarnation experience on Earth of a soul existing in the human body. Most people feel drawn to be with someone, as a partner in life, for the short term or long term.

The length a relationship is purposeful, is solely based on how the relationship serves experiences that both souls wanted to receive. This is called a mutual benefit on a spiritual level. We don't always see or know what that benefit is when we're in the middle of it, but it helps us to consider indirect benefits or ones that aren't obvious.

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Expressing Clear Love in Relationship Crisis

expressing clear love in crisis x 7498 640 580wHigh emotions can greatly reduce happiness and intimacy, leading to pain and suffering.

Charged-up relationships feel volatile. How do we turn a triggering situation with someone into an empowering opportunity to feel abundant peace and happiness?

The short answer is to love yourself, which allows you to love others, but this is how you get there:

My relationships with close family and my life partner is highly emotional at times. We know this is part of being human in today's world. We can experience heightened emotions with loved ones.

People show a spectrum of love, and that is what we really want to remember when understanding the path to feeling more love. Our love is expressed clearer sometimes than others.

Holidays, big transitions, and differences of opinion, often shine light on the parts of us that express unclear love.

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Transcending the Gap Between Joy and Discomfort – An Evolved Perspective

transcending the gap between joy and discomfort mg 0158 3278 580wSometimes when we choose to believe that life should be a happy, loving, comfortable experience, it can limit us from receiving everything this Universe has for us and what is most purposeful for our soul.

Deep down not a single person would consciously prefer to be uncomfortable. The issue is not about whether you would prefer to be comfortable or uncomfortable, because both will happen. The accomplishment here is being able to see an equal value in both.

By valuing both equally, we can eventually evolve into preferring them equally, without judgement, based on what is most purposeful for our soul.

Then, our inner dialogue changes from, “What makes me comfortable?” to “What is serving and supporting my soul's purpose?”

Comfort and discomfort do not define you as a good person or bad person, or an ego-based or soul-based person.

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Jumping into Real Love, The Initiation of the Soul

jumping into real love the initiation of the soul G 4733 237 580wMistrusting is our largest block in the way of true unconditional love.

We call stepping into unconditional love, the initiation of the soul, because when we dissolve the mistrust, your spiritual light floods into your body, mind and feelings, revealing in every instance the path of greatest benefit and love.

It can happen in one instant with just one choice. It's not always easy to choose unconditional love and this is why:

Unconditional love is not a space of the mind, so it can be confusing, leading to mistrust of it. Confusing by those observing you from the outside and confusing for the one that has crossed the threshold into unconditional love. The mind does not feel in control, because the mind cannot make sense of it. It is not a place of mental rationale, mostly.

It’s a soul sense and understanding, if you will, that’s led by an inner knowing from a connection to universal truth.

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Soul-Based Journey into Perfect Healing

soul based journey into perfect healing G 2154 2429 580wIn soul-based living, healing is understanding, therefore a perfect healing would be perfect understanding or complete awareness of self.

When cultivating awareness, it helps for us to focus on four main energies: physical, mental, emotional and soul, and their interconnected nature. The pursuit of this self-awareness can feel overwhelming at times, and people often are discouraged thinking that achieving the type of wellness they desire is not possible. But it is possible.

I’ve always had a passion for delving into the greater understanding of myself, but there has been resistance to that pursuit, even today. Being aware of the subtle resistance is the only way to overcome it. So, I seek out my resistance. It’s become part of my journey to know myself.

This week, more than ever before, my focus is on being aware of when my body wants to get up to stretch, as I’m sitting at my desk all day. My intention is to be aware and then act on the awareness I receive. I’ve found my body wants to get up and stretch or do some tai chi about every 45-60 minutes. Admittedly, I’ve not followed that body awareness with action every time, and therefore in that moment I did not choose perfect healing. I chose to ignore my healing needs. Part of my healing this week then becomes revealing and understanding the reason for sometimes ignoring what my body needs.

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