Divinely Communicated Books
Visionary Channel: Jason Nelson
Age of the Soul and Empower Our Children awaken you to the deepest parts of your soul. Simply reading them can open you up to the loving spiritual forces already present in your life.
The Divine speaks directly to you, the reader, inviting you to step into your soul's fullest potential in this life and be a part of the revolution of consciousness that is upon this world.
The books are not written in Jason's voice. From the very first page of chapter one, the words you read are channeled directly from the Source, originally in 2006. The message is shared as it was given to him through channeled writing—raw, powerful, and unfiltered. This is a call to action.
The next step of your soul’s destiny begins today with these books!

Bringing the Books into Being
On Jason's twenty-fifth birthday, God’s presence filled him, and words began pouring into a journal, revealing universal truths and prophecies. He was asked to help humanity discover the power of our souls. This book, channeled in that same divine process, continues to deepen his connection to God and will transform yours as well.
Jason says, "I sit down with my laptop, my fingers on the keys, and I begin to get a vision and an impression of the first few words to write. I start typing and the words flow through me, as I type as fast as I can. This process is known as Channeled Writing or Automatic Writing. The spiritual being that communicates the books through me is a Source being. We use the word God in the book for this Source being, whose writing style combines a direct, strong voice with a loving, unconditionally accepting energy. Many readers appreciate this succinct instruction to soul-based living."
Age of the Soul
Age of the Soul: A New Way of Living from Your Soul
You Will Learn:
- Self-love, healing, soul-based living and enlightenment
- Strengthen intuitive inner seeing, knowing, hearing and feeling
- Five Accomplishments to become one with your soul
- Accurate spiritual communication with Source and guides
- Universal laws, soul destiny and soul mates
- Sex, procreation, the importance of raising children in a balanced way
- True nature of God, spiritual nonphysical world and your spiritual guidance
- Planetary change, prophecy and your importance in the Age of the Soul
Plus Exercises To:
- Attain love, grounding and empowering affirmations
- Clear chakras, limiting beliefs and energetic imbalances
- Experience the soul to soul energy exchange
- Communicate with Spirit, channeled writing and develop intuition
Age of the Soul is your guide to stepping into a new way of living—one led by the unlimited power of your soul.
“ Excerpt from Age of the Soul: An engagement is happening that you, as a soul, agreed to at this time. This agreement is your participation in the evolution of Earth's consciousness. The perspective of Earth has been unclear or colored for so long that you doubt the ability of God to live amongst you. I have always been with you, and in this Age of the Soul, you will experience my presence more than ever.
The Age of the Soul simply means that every individual at this time in history has a unique opportunity to understand, connect and live from their soul. Living from the soul means that you will be living from clear love, the expression of your soul; whereas, the personality has experienced unclear love. When the personality and soul align, you will have an experience beyond your imagination. It is called the Initiation of the Soul.
During this time, you will find more people removing things from their lives that are not in alignment with their soul's love. You may always go to the soul to know love. It is required to know the soul in order to know God. ”
Empower Our Children
Empower Our Children: How to Heal Yourself and Your Children
You Will Learn:
- Healing your inner child and embracing unconditional love
- Soul-based vs ego-based living and realizing your human potential
- Five Accomplishments to experience soul-based living
- Clear limiting beliefs and emotional blocks
- Deeper relationship with Higher Power
- Intuitive decision making and communication
- Nurturing spirituality, passion and the parent-child bond
- Soul-based communication and the new paradigm of education
- Importance of saving the world for our children
Plus Exercises To:
- See yourself and the world through the eyes of your soul
- Rediscover and heal your inner child to return to your childlike innocence
- Create harmonious parent-child communication and connection
- Become fully present, understand your strengths and limitations
- Experience soul-based disagreement and self-expression
- Change beliefs, change your life and cultivate passion
Empower Our Children is your guide to empower yourself and children by healing your inner child and returning to the unconditional love of your soul.
“ Excerpt from Empower Our Children: By loving ourselves and empowering today's children, we can achieve world peace.
The fate of the world lies in the hands of today's children, who will be the leaders and parents of tomorrow. The youth exemplify qualities adults have lost like innocence, vulnerability and unconditional acceptance. They offer innate, simplified wisdom for new ways to live as a unified world. Make your first priority to empower children. As a result, you will create harmony within yourself and the world may experience peace in one generation. I will be your guide and this book will be your instruction manual for how to do it.
This book is an energetic means of transforming your life. It is more than a book. By participating with it you are becoming more loving, accepting and aware.
Truly the child within is waiting to be set free. ”

Empower Our Children is a spiritual resource for how to heal ourselves and our children. It guides us to live from our soul's true nature of love, intuition and peace. Anyone can benefit from this great wisdom. - Marci Shimoff, #1 NY Times bestselling author, Happy for No Reason, and Love for No Reason

As a conscious parent of three children, Empower Our Children is timely and a beacon of hope for our children's future. Jason Nelson gives you practical steps to heal from the inside out and thus create a world that we can all be proud to leave as a legacy for our future leaders. - Dr. Darren R. Weissman, Best Selling Author and Developer of The Lifeline Technique
An indispensable collection of much needed guidance on healing ourselves and our children. These words resonate at a soul level. This book came to me at a time when my 10-year-old daughter and I really needed it. Thank you Jason Nelson for sharing such valuable information at a time when parents are searching for ways to empower their children and help create a safe haven, regardless of the cultural influences - Brenda Gaton, Parent
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I just finished reading Age of the Soul and all I can say is WOW! This book digs deep into the real nitty gritty of "waking up", living your soul purpose and doing your part to foster the evolution of the planet and your own soul. But be ready . . . it might take you a bit to read this book. Each and every paragraph is powerful, thought provoking and inspiring. Thank you, Jason, for this manifesto on living with soul and purpose. A beautiful, amazing book. - Karen Curry, Human Design Specialist and Bestselling Author
Reading Age of the Soul was beyond the written words. Jason enabled God to come through him. The truth and impact of God's words touched my Soul. I felt God with me in the healing meditation and the Chakra Clearing Meditation guiding me to a deep communication with my spirit guides. The voice of God that comes through has a direct approach, which is provocative and really makes you think about the way things are and the way the world is evolving. Make sure you read it. - Leah Levkowitz, Divinely Guided Success
I read Age of the Soul when I was beginning on my Spiritual journey years ago. So many questions that I had were answered in the book. I absolutely loved and resonated with it. I have recommended it to many friends who also loved the book. I thank Jason Nelson for his dedication to bringing the words of Spirit to us. - Linayah Kei, Angelic Channel and Healer