Spiritual Life Coach Jason Nelson

Get Unstuck and Manifest a Life You Love!

Jason Nelson, Spiritual Life Coach

Welcome! Let’s partner together to quickly resolve life areas that feel stuck and manifest a life you love. These sessions will save you time and energy with my intuitive, spirit-guided approach.

This is for you if you’re looking for help with:

  Spiritual Life Coaching
  Relationships, Self-Love & Healing
  Manifesting & Shifting Patterns
  Your Life Purpose & Spiritual Gifts
  Navigating the Awakening Process

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  Psychologist Recommended: As a psychologist, when I’m really stuck with a client, I have often made referrals to him. I consider him top‑notch in spiritual coaching and healing. Jason zeroes right into the root issue – his intuition is unparalleled, and his power as a healer is phenomenal. I have asked Jason to guest lecture for my doctoral‑level classes in counseling psychology at Argosy, Antioch and Loyola Marymount Universities. I trust him implicitly because he is the best. -Dr. Sara, Psychologist

coaching jn sara

  Miracles & Spouse Reconnection: Jason is different – he can really make miracles happen. One of the beautiful things about Jason is we can go spiritual, we can go emotional, we can go business, we can go health. When I began working with Jason the relationship with my husband was suffering. Now my husband and I are deeply in love and consider ourselves blessed in every way. Jason’s coaching work has been priceless in connecting me to my true power and creating harmony with my spouse. -Mia 

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Areas of Expertise

20 Years of Experience in Many Coaching Areas

Jason Nelson, Spiritual Life Coach

Confidence & Self-Love Coaching

Self-love is the foundation of true empowerment and confidence. Every session aligns you with your inner truth and love.

Relationship & Dating Coaching

Strengthen your current relationship or attract a deeply aligned partner.

Life Purpose & Manifestation Coaching

Sometimes simply focusing on what you want doesn’t manifest it. We'll unlock your power to manifest far more with less effort. Let me know if you'd like to expand your career role, become an entrepreneur, or we can even intuitively discover your life purpose.

Health & Wellness Coaching

We’ll reveal the consciousness behind health challenges, empowering you to create lasting change and healing.

Spiritual Life Coaching & Teaching

My intuitive life coaching approach quickly shifts resistance, freeing you to live your greatest potential. Explore any topic of interest—just ask. Some areas include: navigating the awakening process, understanding your spiritual gifts, developing intuition, manifesting, and healing.


  Manifesting Happiness & Relationship Attraction: Before I started working with Jason, I tried everything to attract a loving relationship. I had read books, attended seminars, made vision boards, and received advice from experts... but nothing worked. Working with Jason, I attracted a fulfilling, passionate, and healthy relationship. Every session was a profound shift. I've never felt so happy, connected, and purposeful. -JoAllan, Teacher

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  Quick Transformation Into Self‑Love: Jason's gift for cutting through the BS quickly and getting down to the truth of important matters is the key. It allowed me to change from not enjoying my work to reveling in it. I went from beating myself up for feeling like a failure to unconditionally loving myself again. -Terry, TV Producer

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A life you love begins with a simple conversation

Spiritual Life Coaching Sessions bring balance into every area of life.

For over 20 years I’ve helped thousands of individuals like you achieve their goals.

By the end of each session we resolve your initial intention, provide you with actionable insights, and leave you feeling lighter and more empowered. We pace and tailor your sessions so you always move forward in a way that works best for you.

How Do I Get Started?

Step 1. Schedule. Fill out the form, then you’ll be taken to my calendar to schedule our 20-minute free call.

Step 2. Phone Call. We’ll discuss your goals and my coaching process so you can know if this is a good fit.

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