jason nelson spiritual life coach new three university

Spiritual Life Coach Jason Nelson

Reach Your Greatest Potential

20 Years’ Experience

jason coaching

Welcome! I’m here to help you quickly resolve life areas that feel stuck or where you’d like to manifest a different experience.

My 20 years of experience both coaching clients and training coaches through my certification programs have given me everything I need to ensure your success.

I’ve mastered many coaching areas, so you won’t need different coaches for each area you want to focus on.

Topics I help clients with include Life Purpose and Career, Manifesting, Relationships, Self-Love and Healing, Releasing Limiting Patterns, Consciousness Behind Health Challenges, Spiritual Teaching, and Navigating the Awakening Process.

My intuitive approach is grounded and practical. It illuminates your life in ways you haven’t thought of before, allowing us to get much more done in less time.

By the end of each session we resolve your initial intention, provide you with actionable insights, and leave you feeling lighter and more empowered. We pace and tailor your sessions so you always move forward in a way that works best for you.

Start with a Free Consult

Let’s begin with a complimentary phone call where I’ll explain how the sessions work, discuss fees, learn about your goals, and if it feels like a good match, we can schedule our first coaching session. I look forward to speaking with you!

My Areas of Expertise

Personal Growth and Life Coaching

My intuitive life coaching approach quickly shifts inner resistance, freeing you to live your greatest potential. We’ll develop an exciting vision for your life and align every part of you with it.

Relationship and Dating Coaching

Whether you wish to improve your current relationship or attract someone more aligned with you, get ready to move forward. My one-of-a-kind techniques break old patterns so you experience relationships in a brand new way.

Self-Love and Confidence Coaching

Because self-love is so important for true empowerment and confidence, every session aligns you more with your soul’s love.

Health and Wellness Coaching

We’ll reveal the consciousness behind health challenges, so you are empowered to change them.

Manifestation Coaching

Sometimes simply focusing on what you want to create doesn’t manifest it. We’ll understand why and open up your power to manifest and receive far more with less effort.

Life Purpose and Career Coaching

Whether expanding your career role or completely switching to something more fulfilling, even becoming an entrepreneur, I’ll help you discover and manifest it. We can even intuitively reveal your soul’s life purpose and integrate it into everything you do.

Spiritual Coaching and Teaching

Navigating the awakening process can be challenging. I’ll help you understand and integrate it, so you can feel empowered and connected on your journey to enlightenment. Intuition, oneness with your soul and the Divine, manifesting, channeling a book, and healing are just a few subjects that will enhance your spiritual lifestyle. Any topic you want to learn, just ask.


Clients Share Amazing Experiences

Personal Growth and Life Coach

coaching jn sara

Psychologist Recommended: “As a psychologist, when I’m really stuck with a client, I have often made referrals to him. I consider him top-notch in spiritual coaching and healing. Jason zeroes right into what the underlying or root issue is, whether I am yet aware of it or not. His intuitive capacity is unparalleled, and his power as a healer to help one shift things is phenomenal." -Dr. Sara, Psychologist

coaching jn linayah

Highest Good: “My world has been altered beyond any expectations. From the moment I met him I felt the love and caring he puts into his sessions. I owe so much to Jason and his coaching. He has helped me dissolve fears and unwanted emotions so that now I am walking on my path in confidence and joy. He listens to Spirit and relates what he receives, always fully intending to bring what is meant for his client's Highest Good. I have recommended him to others. Thank you Jason for being there for me at every turn. You have been an amazing teacher and coach.” -Linayah

Relationship and Dating Coach

coaching jn joallan

Relationship Attraction: “Not only have I attracted a fulfilling, passionate, and healthy relationship, but I also have the tools and ability to connect to the divine and to listen to my intuition and soul whenever I need guidance.” -JoAllan, Teacher

Spouse Reconnection: “When I began working with Jason my self-esteem had crumbled to an all-time low. The relationship I had with my husband of twenty two years was suffering. Jason helped me reconnect to my true power and true identity as an immortal soul. I found myself able to love my spouse without condition. As soon as my husband felt loved by me our relationship began to improve. I am happy to say that we are deeply in love and consider ourselves blessed in every way. Jason’s coaching work has been priceless in creating love and harmony with my spouse.” -Mia

Self-Love and Confidence Coach

coaching jn terry

Quick Transformation Into Self-Love: “Jason is helping me transform my life quickly. By the time I met Jason I had gotten to a pretty dark place where there was no self-love. Pretty much the only thing I was doing was beating myself up for feeling like a failure on the business and relationship side. I learned to unconditionally love myself again. I believe in myself again.” -Terry, TV Producer

coaching jn rachel

Self-Expression and Confidence: “I am a lady of 77 years old. At any age you can start to heal yourself. Jason has helped me a lot with my family relationships. I had a lot of fear and could not express myself. He is teaching me to speak my truth, to be and love myself. The improvement with my family relationships are that I am more comfortable, I have more respect for my family and I feel I am treated nicer. I feel more empowered, I am a happier person, I have more peace inside. By anyone going to Jason, you open up, love yourself more, and you love other people too." -Rachel

Health and Wellness Coach

coaching jn bradley

Permanent Positive Healings: “Jason is a powerful medium. He has a profound ability to guide you into the root cause, creating permanent, positive healings. I would recommend anybody hire Jason who is looking to deepen their spiritual understanding of "them-self" and heal their past!” -Bradley, Coach

Mom Helps Daughter Shift Tantrums: “My five year old daughter at least twice a day went through intense emotional phases. She would bite, hit, throw objects and scream frantically. When I saw Jason I learned a simple thing that there are no “bad” or “good” emotions. And we can see them as colors surrounding us. And each color is beautiful. When she started having a tantrum, I asked her, what color her feeling had. She said, “It is black and it has sharp teeth and it wants to bite!” “Wow, what a color,” I told her. We sat with that for a few seconds. And then I could see her body relax, and a smile showed on her face. It was not about loving and accepting my daughter, it was about loving and accepting anger. This shift is an enormous blessing for my daughter and our whole family. And there is so much peace now in our hearts!” -Marion

Manifestation Coach

coaching jn mia

Miracles Happen: “One of the beautiful things about Jason is we can go spiritual, we can go emotional, we can go business, we can go health, and he is totally there with me. I’ve worked with other people before but there’s something about Jason that’s different. He really can make miracles happen and I’ve been on the receiving end of that many times now.” -Mia

Manifesting Life Purpose and Happiness “Before I started working with Jason, I tried everything to attract a loving relationship. I had read books, attended seminars, made vision boards, received advice from experts. . .but nothing worked. Every session was a profound shift for me in becoming aware, connecting to my soul, and releasing beliefs that were not serving my intention. I've never felt so happy, connected, and purposeful.” -JoAllan, Teacher

Life Purpose & Career Coach

coaching jn juliana

Clarify True Heart's Desires: “I was confused, stressed out, overworked and sleep deprived when I worked with Jason. From the first session, he helped me to clarify my true heart's desires, and laid the plan to achieving them in a simple step by step fashion. I feel free once again to live my life in a wholesome way, and to give of myself to my career and family only the best, since I am now taking care of my needs first!” -Juliana, M.D.

From Dispassion to Career Fulfillment:His gift for cutting through the BS quickly and getting down to the truth of important matters is the key. It allowed me to see the good parts of my job and change from not enjoying my work to reveling in it IN JUST 3 DAYS!” -Terry, TV Producer

coaching jn leah

Finding Soul's Calling: “The spirit-guided coaching, authenticity, support, wisdom, healing and love I received from Jason touched my core to see things in my life I didn't realize I was creating. That allowed me to see how I'd been giving away my power and set me free. As a result, I gained a strong confidence in my purpose and connection to my soul, spirit guides and God to guide me in my life and to fulfill my soul's purpose. Getting to experience this kind of transformation is priceless. He also guided me through the process of channeling and publishing my first book! -Leah, Author

Spiritual Coaching and Teaching

coaching jn paul

Results In Every Session: “I have worked with dozens of coaches and Jason is at the top of my list! He combines great Intuition and Presence with a polished and professional approach that delivers results in every session. I now model some of his techniques in my own coaching practice. If you want to make great progress on your Inner Journey, then Jason will be a great choice!” -Paul, Coach

University Guest Speaker: “I have asked Jason Nelson several times to guest lecture for my doctoral-level classes in counseling psychology at Argosy, Antioch and Loyola Marymount Universities. I trust him implicitly because he is the best." -Dr. Sara, Psychologist

Accurate Intuition: “Now I understand why his clients always rave about him . . . the information that he shares with you is intuitive, wise, and most importantly, ACCURATE. I highly recommend him.” -Michael, Teacher

Congratulations on Taking This Next Step Forward.
You're Investing in Your Greatest Asset — Yourself!

You're invited to schedule a complimentary phone consultation if you feel working with me could be the right match.

How Do I Get Started?
  • Fill Out the Form: Include your name, best email address, and phone number.
  • Pick a Time to Talk: After submitting the form, you'll be directed to my calendar to select a date and time for our phone consultation.
  • Phone Consultation: I will call you and we’ll discuss your goals and explore how I can help. I’ll also explain how the sessions work and discuss fees. The consultation will last about 20 minutes.
  • Deciding to Work Together: The consultation is the best time to determine if working together is the right fit. If it feels like a good match, we can schedule our first coaching session. I look forward to supporting you to experience your most fulfilling life!
Free Consult Click Here