Psychic Power – The Engine of Healing and Manifesting

psychic power the engine of healing and manifesting iStock 000022553945 580x387Our greatest assurance of being in the highest health, wellbeing and capability to manifest our dreams and purpose, is becoming soul-based. This gift to ourselves means we are in a sustainable, constant connection with our human potential and living it.

Soul-Based Living is an energetic potential that provides us with access to the infinite wisdom of our soul. The path of aligning with this potential is cultivating awareness of our self so that we may choose soul-based experiences over ego-based ones.

Therefore, healing or transformation is simply a matter of choice,

• choosing for instance unconditional love, listening and understanding,
• instead of conditional love, blaming and proving.

From these daily choices to perceive our life in a soul-based way, we manifest feelings of joy, passion and fulfillment of our purpose in this life, because Soul-Based Living naturally reveals our deepest soul truths to us. (see Five Accomplishments® Coaching)

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Two Souls As One – Love Is For Everyone

two souls as one love is for everyone 0 9799 28 580x387brightUnconditional Love is the deepest foundation of every Universal Law in Existence. But what is it? What is this intangible power?

Unconditional Love = Unconditional Acceptance.

Remember this doesn’t mean you’re agreeing. It means you are accepting, which is complete detachment. One can feel deep compassion and be detached at the same time. One can completely disagree and accept at the same time. Accepting is not sacrificing your truth of being.

Acceptance is being grounded in reality and embracing reality for what it is in the moment. But in the same moment, you may have a vision for how you want reality to become different without a “need” for it to be different.

Does this make sense?

This explanation I have shared is the interesting balance of living as a soul in physical form and choosing unconditional love in this moment, given the circumstances that are happening in the world around you. When you use Five Accomplishments® Coaching, which is a specific sequence of sessions to sync into your soul’s rhythm, you realign each part of yourself to be in the vibration of unconditional love. You also become fully grounded in the current events of this world, which gives you the power to change them!

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Psychic Healing – Amplifying the Energy

psychic healing amplifying the energy hts rQjq0 g0 580w croppednobookbrightPsychic Energy or Universal Energy, also known as Prana Energy, is used for Psychic Healing. This energy is abundant and can be called upon on, channeled and used by anyone!

“Energy Healers” use this Psychic Healing Energy to help themselves and their clients.

Psychic Healing is different than Spiritual Healing. Both forms of healing are similar in that they can affect and change the Physical Universe, including you on all levels: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, but they are quite different in how they are ignited, received and used.

Spiritual Healing can be called on or requested by a human. But it is up to the Source whether the spiritual energy will be transmitted to them, through them. This energy of ‘spirit’ or ‘spiritual healing’ energy has the ability to produce miracles. Miracles are true instant and complete changes to someone. Medically speaking, a miracle would produce a change in the body as though the defect was never there. Miracles bend and violate universal laws, which is why only the Source can grant them based on the highest benefit. In our Voice Channeling® sessions, natural spiritual healing energy is transmitted automatically through you because of Spirit sharing your aura space with you during the experience!

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Channeling New Energy for An Incredible Year

channeling new energy for an incredible year 3 bright 359 580wSpring Into New Energy!

It’s time to clear out the old energy and bring in the vibrant new energy to help you manifest an incredible year.

What new energy do you want to create for yourself?

• Do you want to enhance your spiritual attunement…

• Are you wanting a new relationship, or to revitalize the energy and connection in your existing relationship…

• Is your health asking you to focus on exercise, diet, self-care, mental and emotional help…

• How fulfilled are you in your career and do you feel aligned with your life purpose?

We can accomplish so much in a year.

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How to Be Unaffected by People’s Energy

how to be unaffected by peoples energy G 6690 2223 580wSensitives are overwhelmed and affected by the energy of people, places and things.

A common question my clients ask is, “How can I not be affected by this person or situation?” You’ve probably thought this before.

Sometimes family members, your partner, coworkers, or even children, can have an energy that is overwhelming. It feels like the opposite of peace and calm.

These energies can create uncomfortable feelings in your body of hot or cold, sleepy or stimulating, mental or emotional, or even body pains and energetic ickiness. If you think about it, you can probably imagine how you’ve been uncomfortable with the energy of others daily.

There are reasons why you are affected by these external energies. As much as we’d like to believe “we’ve made it” and that “us enlightened people shouldn’t be affected by others,” we are affected.

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Soul-Based Journey into Perfect Healing

soul based journey into perfect healing G 2154 2429 580wIn soul-based living, healing is understanding, therefore a perfect healing would be perfect understanding or complete awareness of self.

When cultivating awareness, it helps for us to focus on four main energies: physical, mental, emotional and soul, and their interconnected nature. The pursuit of this self-awareness can feel overwhelming at times, and people often are discouraged thinking that achieving the type of wellness they desire is not possible. But it is possible.

I’ve always had a passion for delving into the greater understanding of myself, but there has been resistance to that pursuit, even today. Being aware of the subtle resistance is the only way to overcome it. So, I seek out my resistance. It’s become part of my journey to know myself.

This week, more than ever before, my focus is on being aware of when my body wants to get up to stretch, as I’m sitting at my desk all day. My intention is to be aware and then act on the awareness I receive. I’ve found my body wants to get up and stretch or do some tai chi about every 45-60 minutes. Admittedly, I’ve not followed that body awareness with action every time, and therefore in that moment I did not choose perfect healing. I chose to ignore my healing needs. Part of my healing this week then becomes revealing and understanding the reason for sometimes ignoring what my body needs.

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Ending Reincarnation – Getting It All This Life

ending reincarnation getting it all this lifeSouls are choosing to reincarnate hundreds or thousands of times because of one main human imbalance.

We will identify and solve this imbalance, so you may feel better now and save your soul possibly hundreds of lifetimes. You can actually eliminate the need to reincarnate.

20 years of my life, from age five to twenty-five, was a very ungrounded time for me. I began school and interacting with the world in a larger way, which led me to an imbalance in my energy, causing an ungrounded energetic state of being.

I'm not sure exactly how much of those 20 years will not be included in the life experiences my soul takes back with it, but because I was ungrounded, or not present, there is a portion of those experiences not counted by my soul.

At age twenty-five, I learned about this necessity of being grounded, completely and fully, and I began teaching it to others, so they could have all of their experiences count and be used by their soul.

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3 Universal Healing Influences to Master Your Life Force Energy

three universal healing influences to master your life force energy C 9102 1100 580wAs you move forward to realize your most fulfilling life and abundant health, accessing your untapped potential for healing is extremely important.

It could be said that there are three main ways to influence your life and cultivate a wellbeing that adds decades to your life, slowing or even stopping the aging process.

These three ways represent the three universes, the: Source, Nonphysical, and Physical. We're going to introduce these ways to help you master your energy, so you can live fully and purposefully.

The Physical Universe represents using your mind to reprogram your thoughts, so you can refocus your mental and emotional energies to manifest the most abundant life. We call this soul-based living, because ideally it's aligning your emotions and thoughts with your soul's true loving perspective. When this happens, an untapped potential is released.

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