Highest Benefit Is Happening, Even Now

No Matter What Things Might Look Like 2 mg 1525 3113 580x580webWhat does “Highest Benefit” really mean...and why does it matter to you?

The Highest Benefit matters to you because:

You are being directed to it every day,

Things often work out different than you thought because of it, and

Prayers go unanswered because of it.

Do you know the song Unanswered Prayers? It’s a song that says “some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers” and it talks about being young and praying that you would end up with a certain person. It goes on to say that now, later in life, being married and grateful that your original prayer wasn’t answered because you know who you ended up with is the best person for you.

We sometimes can’t see what the best experience is for us, but Spirit does see it clearly.

When I was a child my Dad played this song in the car, as his music taste was usually country or Elvis Presley. The lyrics had struck me then and I’ve come back to them throughout my life. The lyrics helped me to know there is a greater orchestration than I could possibly see. To me, the lyrics meant sometimes we don’t see our highest benefit in the moment but we understand it looking back.

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I Want What Is Right – Surrender Mantra for the Highest Benefit

I Want What Is Right Not To Be Right 004001 R1 012 2 580x580 300dpiI want the highest benefit, more than I want it to be MY WAY.

Every day we’re participating with manifestation. We’re either moving forward with co-manifesting the highest benefit with Spirit, or we’re creating resistance to the highest benefit being manifested.

If you’re unsure on what the highest benefit is from Spirit’s viewpoint, contact us and we’ll share some resources to begin learning about it.

Once I learned that highest benefit literally means the highest benefit for everyone, I started seeing life differently.

Life is not simply to have my every human desire become manifest.

I don’t always like this fact and when I am having an inner conflict my mantra for this is:

I want what is right.

…not to be right.

Have you made this distinction with your own inner dialogue?

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Life Everlasting – Conversations and Healing With Your Deceased Loved One

life everlasting conversations and healing with your deceased loved one mg 7310 1856 580x387Three years ago my sister passed, but I’ve seen her spirit since then. She appeared to me in a vision, smiling with joyful spiritual love, and it filled me with a deeper feeling of peace that despite her tragic physical death her spirit is happy and free.

Last week we met our Advanced Practitioners of Voice Channeling® and discussed the incredible, continued relationship we are all having with our deceased loved ones.

One person who lost her sister and father this year, saw both of them sitting together on a bench laughing. This was during her Voice Channeling® session a few weeks prior. She shared, “I feel less and less the difference between their souls being in this physical life with me, and where they are now as energy. That it is more ONE LIFE. My experience of them is turning into one experience, rather than two separate experiences. I feel less and less separation. As a personality I feel their absence, the fact they are not here physically with us, participating with us in this human life, but as spirit, as energy, I don’t feel different. It’s a really good feeling, very interesting how that difference is just disappearing for me.”

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How Your Soul Is Different From Your Personality

how your soul is different from your personality et HXLTWJGeA 580wThe SOUL is a mystery to many people. They confuse their soul with their own emotions, wants and desires and yet the soul perceives our life very differently than our human mind perceives it.

Once you know your soul by aligning with your soul’s perspective, life truly becomes amazing and awe-inspiring.

Your soul’s perspective will show you:

• How to love yourself and others, no matter what.
• What your purpose is in every moment.
• Your physical and spiritual gifts.

How is your soul different than your personality?

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Your Desires Have Manifested – But There Is So Much More

your desires have manifested but there is so much more MG 7910colorbright580x387Songwriting became a passion of mine at eleven years old. I turned clever phrases into lyrics and melodies. But it wasn’t until I was living in Los Angeles at twenty-five that I aligned my conscious and subconscious energies to actually manifest a music producer to record me as a singer songwriter. As fantastic of a life purpose dream being a recording artist was for me, it wasn’t the path my soul had planned for me.

My spirit guides worked hard to get me on my truer path that my soul intended for me. Just two years later at twenty-seven I met my husband Jason, and it was at that point I began my soul’s true life purpose calling.

Fortunately my conscious and subconscious had already begun aligning with this path the previous year through my introduction to spiritual explorations like communicating with spirit, psychic perceptions and receiving intuitive readings. So when I met Jason and was presented with the opportunity to be personal partners, as well as founding New Three® University with him, everything in me knew it was 100% what my soul wanted. I had been guided to my soul’s true calling and I was excited!

As for my personality, emotionally and mentally, it has been the most incredible journey over the past ten years. Just through the everyday miracle of Voice Channeling® my spirit guides, I’ve experienced and received:
• Universal wisdom of the physical and spiritual world,
• Prophecy with my purpose and role in the world,
• Proof of life after death and of our soul’s eternal existence!

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Your Life Purpose Calling in the Age of the Soul

your life purpose calling in the age of the soul t r d4W3Plsg 580x387brightFulfilling Our ‘Life Purpose’ is what matters to many of us. We want to feel purposeful in our life. We’re talking about Finding Your Calling.

The pursuit of feeling and knowing what you’re meant to do is exciting! Our most passionate calling is fueled from the challenges we overcome.

Remember this life is a growth opportunity for your soul and not designed to be an ‘easy ride’. One’s life purpose calling, like anything else in life, calls us to take action and overcome obstacles.

In order to effectively, abundantly and charismatically live your true calling, first take in and experience this fundamental truth:

One must be fulfilled with where they are and ideally see the purpose in what has led them where they are, in order to effectively, abundantly and charismatically live their true calling.

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Telepathy – The Gift of Unspoken Communication

telepathy the gift of unspoken communication a4953 3 1616 580wTelepathy is unspoken, intuitive communication. It can also be called thought transference or mind reading.

When it is open, accurate and shared between two people, telepathic communication eliminates all misunderstandings and will significantly increase the harmony and love experienced between people. An individual’s truth will be known and as a result, people will effectively align and fulfill their life purpose.

Using your psychic energy is not limited to one intuitive sense, such as clairaudience intuitive hearing. Telepathy includes all intuitive senses to receive and send information.

Jason and my daily conversations consist of, “I knew you were going to say that!” and “You just said what I was thinking!” This is a common experience everyone has, especially with people you are close to.

My most remarkable experience with telepathic communication was telepathically receiving and then verbally communicating what my mother-in-law wanted to express when she could not physically communicate. She had a neurological deterioration of her brain stem and could not communicate verbally or through writing. She was almost completely paralyzed, but fully aware and could raise her eyebrows and sometimes blink to acknowledge “yes” or “no.” She had a lot of love and enjoyment around her, living her final days out in her home, but it was sometimes frustrating for her to not be able to share verbally.

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How Full Psychic Power Changes Your Life

how full psychic power changes your life et BXnpNyzx0 580x387saturatedDoes intuition actually make much of a difference in our lives?

Imagine if you were only capable of having your eyes slightly open and your ears were plugged up without the ability to hear discernable words.

Our physical senses of sight, sound, feeling and mental acuteness do so much for us. Life would be dim without them.

Intuition is dimmed down like the example, but it doesn’t have to be. Your intuitive potential is expansive! Imagine if all of your intuitive senses were just as strong as your physical senses are… what would life be like?

Imagine your Clairvoyance, Intuitive Seeing, is just as strong or stronger than your physical eye sight… What might you see?

• A range of colors beyond the typical physical scope, even seeing energy and frequency.

• Your friend speaks to you about their childhood and you see the whole vision of them as a child and what they were experiencing then as if you were watching a movie of your friend from their past. You see many details that your friend hasn’t mentioned at all because you are perceiving the actual moment in time versus visualizing their story.

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Channeled Message – Spiritual Realm Direct Access Granted

channeled message spiritual realm direct access granted t SuUs6oPejg 580brightcropAfter twenty minutes of Spirit Voice Channeling® through me about feeling the unconditional love of Source, the energy of perseverance and overcoming anything, and how to allow God to work through you (all available in the previous blogs), I asked Spirit if there is anything else they wanted me to share with you.

A stronger energy came in. It was the energy of God-Source, and this is what was said:

“To know themselves. To know themselves is to know their spirit. Their spirit being their soul's nature and the guides that are with them. Because one cannot truly know themselves by their humanity alone. The total picture of your beingness goes beyond your life stories, human desires, and what you like and dislike.

Your soul self goes far beyond your personality alone. A wisdom beyond the physical happens as one develops themselves into alignment with their soul. A new unified, spiritual version of your personality emerges, where your perspective embodies a grounded, present, love-based acceptance for every moment of life and every aspect of Creation. Spiritual Clarity and Vision come to you faster and easier...

This is the goal for humanity, to know and live as your beautiful soul.

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Channeled Message – Rise Into Your Soul’s Brighter Vision

channeled message rise into your souls brighter vision ise GyPfMtH 580brightcropI recently shared in an interview that my path always includes, ‘Walking Through the Fire’. What this means is to become the person I most want to be and fulfill my purpose to uplift the world, I must continually GROW into the next Evolution of Myself.

If you are also interested in your personal evolution, to create a more fulfilling life, or give greater benefit to your family or career path, then you’ll especially love this encouraging message today.

We’ve all ‘been through it’ and are ‘going through it’ and it’s helpful to hear what Spirit has to say about us humans having our Earth experience.

Here is Spirit’s message for all of us, speaking through me:

"Perseverance is built into life. Where you persevere, you overcome, and it is natural to believe that within you is everything you need to overcome any life challenge. It is natural to deal with and overcome struggle.

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Channeled Message – Spirit Washing Away Your Doubts

channeled message spirit washing away your doubts se H7WAQkfgA 580brightcropTaking a deep breath, the energy began at my left ear and then moved through my head to my right ear, like a line of energy.

I breathed in and then felt the energy coming from the crown of my head and moving down into my forehead.

Again I breathed in, as the energy moved down behind my eyes and nose. I continued to feel the energy in different places in and around my head. My guide Katherine spoke through my voice:

“The message is simple, love yourself as we love you.

Yet most of you don’t know what our love FEELS LIKE because you ignore it anytime you begin to feel its sensations as a fantasy.

Yet, in this moment you can:

1. Allow yourself to feel the love and magic of Creation, of the Source to surround you.

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Your Soul’s Voice – From Ego to Love

your souls voice from ego to soul 1030 144 246 580croppedYour soul’s voice guides your every step because you are your soul. So why doesn’t it always feel like your inner voice is there leading you forward. . .and how do you break through the ego to amplify your soul’s loving voice?

Imagine that your humanity or human personality includes your mind, emotion, body, the way you look and your total physicality, and it represents a pane of glass or window. Whether your human personality choses ego-based alignment or soul-based alignment determines if the window to your soul is colored severely or completely clear.

When you’re coming from ego, your glass is clouded or colored. The more you come from your loving soul, the glass is clear and transparent. Having a transparent, clear window to your soul shines the most powerful, clear light of your soul through to be seen, felt, and known by the people in your life and the whole world.

This metaphor is important as we reveal, understand and transform ego-based perspectives into the perspectives and energies of our loving soul. This soul-based alignment produces the most magnificent, beautiful soul light, and when people come in contact with this pure light they are forever touched and changed. The clearer your soul light shines through, the greater impact you have on helping humanity achieve world peace and harmony.

To reveal, understand and align more with your loving soul:

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Spirit Guides – What Are Their Names and Purpose

spirit guides what are their names and purpose ng St lyNo9l 580w cropped“What is the name of my Spirit Guide?” is the initial question everyone has. Why do you think everyone wants to know this?

It’s because we all want a tangible connection with the nonphysical support team that we have, and a name is a way to begin that relationship. We introduce ourselves to other people with our name, and so we also want that introduction to our Spirit Guides!

Learning the names of our Spirit Guides always makes me think of Romeo and Juliet’s quote of, “What is in a name?” Which means, ‘What is the importance or significant meaning of a name?’

As human beings, it is a way to humanize spirit and have them present a personality to help us anchor and ground our energetic line of communication with them.

Spirit guides have a vibration, unique and individual, that is recognized by all other Spirit’s. A name, as humans know it, is a word that represents a vibration of that Spirit Guide.

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Channeling New Energy for An Incredible Year

channeling new energy for an incredible year 3 bright 359 580wSpring Into New Energy!

It’s time to clear out the old energy and bring in the vibrant new energy to help you manifest an incredible year.

What new energy do you want to create for yourself?

• Do you want to enhance your spiritual attunement…

• Are you wanting a new relationship, or to revitalize the energy and connection in your existing relationship…

• Is your health asking you to focus on exercise, diet, self-care, mental and emotional help…

• How fulfilled are you in your career and do you feel aligned with your life purpose?

We can accomplish so much in a year.

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Knowing the Deepest Desires of Your Soul

knowing the deepest desires of your soul G 6798 2229 580wAre my wants and desires coming from my soul?

A common question people ask is whether that feeling is of the soul or just a human desire.

Have you ever thought, “It feels like my soul longs for and wants *this*?”

What’s true is that our personality has wants and desires, and our soul also has wants and desires. The soul’s desires are always going to be the most purposeful and fulfilling, but may also be challenging. Typically the human personality’s desires are more of a comfortable feeling because it’s human to choose what we think is a path of least resistance. The issue is our limited human mind can’t know for sure which path is going to lead us into the greatest soul fulfillment. Only the soul knows this.

Sometimes the wants of our personality are aligned with our soul, but often times they are not. Timing is usually where we’re off using only the human mind. We may strongly feel we’re meant to have something right now, when it actually may be years away.

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Helping Your Family Open Their Hearts to Your Spiritual Path

helping your family open their hearts to your spiritual path way SXMSkfxA 580x387Helping our family open their hearts to the spiritual decisions we make is something we all care about, because we care about our family, and we want them to benefit from the things that have helped us.

But it’s not always easy. For many of us, it may be shocking and draining to experience the critical responses from our family and friends.

When you find your spiritual path, your eyes are wide-open. It can feel as if you’ve discovered the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and you want everyone to know how to get their pot of gold!

It’s natural to feel joy by sharing the books, events and classes with your family and friends that helped you so much.

Often times loved ones may seem a little supportive at first with comments like “that’s interesting” or “I’m happy for you”, but then comes some criticism, misunderstanding and a feeling of unacceptance. If you’ve experienced any degree of this with loved ones, please know it is very common in today’s world. Given the level of enlightenment that humanity has reached, it’s normal for people lacking a spiritual practice to unconsciously draw from the judgmental collective consciousness energy. But what can you do to help them detach from the judgement and move into understanding? You change the conversation.

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Dream Interpretation Made Clear with Your Intuition

dream interpretation made clear with your intuition Are dream symbols universal in meaning 580x420pxDo you have any dreams you want to understand more deeply?

When we sleep, we dream. Dreaming is a simple process that happens automatically, and it is our natural way of working through life challenges.

Dreams are your personality’s way of processing and evolving during sleep. Your mind and emotions are integrating and releasing life perspectives.

To understand your dreams, first consider that there is no universal symbolism in your dreams.

The big misconception that every visual symbol means the same thing for everyone is inaccurate. There is a huge body of information in books and online articles that will tell you what running water means or what a ladder means. All of our experiences and the way our minds process information is unique to each of us, therefore, there can be no ‘cookie cutter’ definition that applies to everyone.

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What Famous Mediums Have in Common and How You Can Get Your Own Messages

what famous mediums have in common and how you can get your own messages 3242016 1369 580w updatedFamous Psychic Mediums have one thing in common.

They have developed themselves.

Seasoned psychic mediums typically have felt the calling and had an initial opening from an early age. It’s true our soul abilities can be quite clear when we’re young because of the innocence we have as a child. But that is not enough to be a professional at it. Famous mediums have devoted themselves to developing their ability, and authentic mediums continue to develop for their entire life.

If you go to a psychic medium to receive answers and ask them about how they came to do their work professionally, you’ll want to hear a similar story. But if they try to convince you that they are of the ‘select few’ who were ‘born gifted’ and are ‘there’, that is your sign to run the other way! Look for psychic mediums who value and pursue their own continued growth and development. They will be great role models for you.

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Guiding Your Relationships with Intuitive Decision-Making

guiding your relationships with intuitive decision making y dsc 8ds064 580wRelationships are the heart of our lives in our family and career. Relationships shape our decisions, bringing us in and out of alignment with our destiny. Choices we make all day long truly matter. They keep our family safe and healthy. They bring us joy or struggle. One decision can launch our purpose forward.

Then our question is, how do we nurture love and choose the highest benefit in each moment? Through our intuitive clarity and inner guidance. This answer may sound obvious, but we’re going to dive into your next big step forward with it!

Decisions are guided by our past experiences and beliefs, which emotionally affects the way we see situations. Our past determines our choices about the present. But to always make choices for our highest benefit requires us to use our full intuitive potential.

Intuition is usually subtle. It’s more quiet than our intellectual process.

Which do you feel guides your decisions stronger, intellect or intuition?

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Conscious Leadership: Guiding Your Family into Soul-Based Living

conscious leadership guiding your family into soul based living an 16 557 580w brightYour family is your greatest opportunity to be a leader. And when you have the respect of being a leader in your family, you can be a leader anywhere – in the office, with friends, in your community, and even globally.

Parents and teachers have the most profound role in leading children by exemplifying soul-based living. Simply put, this is living your life through the perspective of love.

Soul-based living is teaching children that instead of judging and reacting, we are choosing to observe and learn. Soul-based living is choosing to love and accept, no matter what, unconditionally. Because after all, real love is without conditions.

As a young child, I experienced feeling judged by my family with their own belief systems about what a “good girl” and “bad girl” is. Later as a teenager, I felt unaccepted and was often considered to be the “black sheep” of my family. My parents didn’t know what to do with me because I was different. For me, one of the saddest things was not being understood by my parents, and therefore feeling unaccepted and unloved. Many children and adults have had a similar experience and are still struggling with the feeling of not having a place in this world. Understanding is a soul-based quality.

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Transfer Your Soul’s Confidence into This Moment

transfer your souls confidence into this moment ss Hmxzp0bxA 580wSpirit, how do you recommend people build self-confidence, and not be distracted or concerned by what others think?

Through Melissa Voice Channeling®, spirit shared:

Building one's confidence is a unique idea because it requires you to be steadfast in your beingness.

Your beingness is a combined experience of your soul connection, clarity of one's truth or position on the matter, and ultimately a greater wisdom of the situation and moment you are in.

The fact that you exist is the only proof you need to value and accept yourself. You are alive and so it is your birthright to feel confident, from your first moment in this world to your last.

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Connecting with Deceased Loved Ones – Visions of My Sister

connecting with deceased loved ones visions of my sister 6 2966 2 78 580wEach of us loses an immediate family member. The grieving process is natural and important, but at the same time we have an incredible opportunity to have a new and more expansive relationship with them as spirit, their nonphysical soul. Not only can we feel our deceased loved ones, but see them and even have a two-way conversation with them. We are never alone. Spirit is always with us.

Unexpectedly on June 12, 2017 my twenty-eight-year-old sister Jenna died. Her death and the circumstances around it were shocking and traumatic for our family, along with all the people that Jenna touched during her physical life.

Losing a person at such a young age is challenging because we know they had more of their life to live. She was planning her wedding and honeymoon the week she passed. I wish I had more time with her.

The third day after her passing, I was lying in bed anticipating flying from California to Maryland to be a part of the services. My own thoughts changed to advice about feeling patient and calm as I make my way through the airport, and to take my time being present. As this was happening, my intuitive knowing recognized it was Jenna speaking in my mind.

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Releasing the Nagging Question of "Was It Really Spirit?"

releasing the nagging question of was it really spirit 1a0827 170 580wYou think you got a message from spirit.

You are somewhere in the range of,

  • "Maybe it happened, but maybe it didn't," to. . .
  • "I am pretty confident that it was spirit, but not 100%."

You have doubts and all sorts of reasons why it was probably not spirit. You have decided it must be your mind or imagination and therefore untrue.

This is where most people STOP.

Sinking into their doubts, maybe even thinking self-deprecating thoughts about themselves, they blow off the message they received.

Have you done this before?

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