Why Your Deceased Loved One Transitioned

why your deceased loved one transitioned nd HXOpN1Mg0 580wPeople will transition in our lives, because that’s part of life.

Sometimes we do and sometimes we don’t understand why it happens, or why it happens to this person at this time. But there is always a reason for every soul’s transition into the Nonphysical Universe.

Something that we want to keep in mind is that with every transition there is a unique story behind it and illuminating the story can be incredibly healing for those that knew the person.

Through that story comes a familiarity with the soul itself, the vibration, the expression of the soul of the person.

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How to Invoke Spiritual Healing Miracles

how to invoke spiritual healing miracles SKjZKb0mj5g 580wOf your four intuitive qualities, the most influential for invoking spiritual healing is your Intuitive Knowing, also known as Claircognizance. It will bring you a clearer and stronger spiritual healing, as well as increase the likelihood of God-The Source intervening on your behalf in what is called a Miracle.

Miracles happen when there is an instant, permanent change that can only be granted by the Source and will bend and break universal laws, depending on the miracle that is being granted.

An example of a miracle physical healing is with someone on life support, given a small chance of living because an organ is damaged, and they are instantly helped and changed, being healed of that ailment. This usually amazes doctors who can’t see a logical reason for such a spontaneous healing, but you do hear stories of this or perhaps have experienced this with someone close to you.

I’ve experienced a couple miracles in my life. My physical teacher, Katherine Beck, who I met when she was 82 (she crossed into the Spirit World at 88 in 2008) was a miracle healer.

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3 Universal Healing Influences to Master Your Life Force Energy

three universal healing influences to master your life force energy C 9102 1100 580wAs you move forward to realize your most fulfilling life and abundant health, accessing your untapped potential for healing is extremely important.

It could be said that there are three main ways to influence your life and cultivate a wellbeing that adds decades to your life, slowing or even stopping the aging process.

These three ways represent the three universes, the: Source, Nonphysical, and Physical. We're going to introduce these ways to help you master your energy, so you can live fully and purposefully.

The Physical Universe represents using your mind to reprogram your thoughts, so you can refocus your mental and emotional energies to manifest the most abundant life. We call this soul-based living, because ideally it's aligning your emotions and thoughts with your soul's true loving perspective. When this happens, an untapped potential is released.

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Spirit Knows Your Deepest Soul Desire

spirit knows your deepest soul desire 7 8984 217 580wYou are not alone, ever, and we're not speaking about the lofty way it's often talked about with God and spirit guides always being 'there'. This support goes far beyond a 'presence' and bridges the gap into the physical world to help you with your practical challenges and everyday choices of life.

There will be a point in your life—Invite It In Now—when you will decide to bring the relationship with your higher power into a tangible place, where spirit can provide you with answers, solutions and your deepest soul desires. Because in those deepest desires, lies the forward path into your life purpose and accomplishing it.

You see, the energetic direction of where you’re meant to go and who you’re meant to travel with is always knocking at the door. It's always tapping you on the shoulder. . .and you feel it. For some people, they actually see it in vision. Others know it with confidence. For some it's subtle and others it's strong.

Let's look at how you can increase your ease and confidence through the challenges and choices you have right now in your life. We’re going to look at how to receive your deepest soul desires from your higher power.

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Angels, Guardian Angels, Gatekeepers – Get to Know Your Primary and Secondary Spirit Guides

angels guardianangels gatekeepers SoFGr2YLDl 580wLong ago when souls first incarnated into the human on Earth, there needed to be beings that would oversee their entire life from birth until death. These beings are called Primary Guides, because they are the first and last being to have a direct influence over your lifetime.

Primary guides have been called by many names: Angels, Guardian Angels, Gatekeepers, God. You may call this influence on your life any name you are comfortable with.

You only have one primary guide and their main responsibility is to execute your soul's plan that it created before you incarnated. To achieve your soul's goals requires bringing in secondary guides on a daily basis.

The difference between a primary guide and a secondary guide isn't based on their evolution, experiences or even expertise. Simply, the primary guide has chosen to be with one human for their entire life, and a secondary guide has chosen to influence them for a duration of time that is directly dependent upon the benefit to and fulfillment of the human's needs.

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