7 Signs for Intuitive Clarity vs. Human Nature

7 signs for intuitive clarity vs human nature HiNealZcIvx cropped 580wAllowing our human nature to lead our lives can create messy situations, by motivating us to respond from emotional and mental triggers, or even from our preferences of what we think is best.

Our human nature may want to tell someone exactly how we feel. With our emotions running high, we can say or do things that we believe are right in the moment, but we just end up making the situation more difficult.

It’s human to feel uncomfortable around certain people or to do certain things, and because we feel uncomfortable, we think it’s a ‘sign’ that we shouldn’t be around them or do the uncomfortable things.

Discomfort is not an intuitive insight. Discomfort is independent from intuitive ‘hits’ and intuitive direction.

Your intuition simply accesses truth and knowledge of the Universe, therefore it embodies neutrality and is objective.

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Is Intuition Genetic or Can It Be Learned?

is intuition genetic or can it be learned 0 0516 48 580wIs Intuition Genetic or Can It Be Learned?

Commonly people believe that intuition is genetic, meaning passed down through a lineage or that we are born with only one or two of the four main intuitive senses of seeing, hearing, feeling and knowing. Is this true or can we learn to fully open these four intuitive qualities?

My mother was always incredibly intuitive, not only knowing things before they happen, but knowing where missing objects were located with incredible precision. She also talked to spirit. Her main spirit guide’s name is Angelica and my mom shared with me that Angelica has been with her since the beginning of her life. My earliest childhood memories are of seeing spirit.

Is there a connection between my mother’s ability and mine? Yes, but not in the way you may think. The way our abilities are connected are simply because I was in the aura or energy of these abilities being used, so it actually programmed my subconscious mind from pre-birth that not only are these abilities real, but they are accessible. In this way, my abilities were nurtured. Though it is not genetic.

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Table Seating for the Spirit – Holiday Guests from the Other Side

table seating for the spirit holiday guests from the other side c09165 4461 580w newDuring this time, this sacred, special, meaningful Holiday Season, we are encouraged to remember what we’re grateful for and share love with family and friends.

Breaking bread around the dinner table and saying prayers is a way we connect a little deeper than other times of the year with family and friends.

But have you invited all your friends and all your family to your sacred dinner table? Have you sent out invitations to the other side? I’m talking about the Nonphysical Universe and your invisible family and friends.

I see the Nonphysical Universe as well as feel, hear and know it, because I’ve developed all four of my intuitive qualities equally. Add to that, a powerful ability to communicate with spirit and my holidays are jampacked with all of my most beloved soul friends and family. My guides and deceased loved ones love attending gatherings and dinners during this time of the year, so I’m sure to include them.

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What Famous Mediums Have in Common and How You Can Get Your Own Messages

what famous mediums have in common and how you can get your own messages 3242016 1369 580w updatedFamous Psychic Mediums have one thing in common.

They have developed themselves.

Seasoned psychic mediums typically have felt the calling and had an initial opening from an early age. It’s true our soul abilities can be quite clear when we’re young because of the innocence we have as a child. But that is not enough to be a professional at it. Famous mediums have devoted themselves to developing their ability, and authentic mediums continue to develop for their entire life.

If you go to a psychic medium to receive answers and ask them about how they came to do their work professionally, you’ll want to hear a similar story. But if they try to convince you that they are of the ‘select few’ who were ‘born gifted’ and are ‘there’, that is your sign to run the other way! Look for psychic mediums who value and pursue their own continued growth and development. They will be great role models for you.

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Dream Interpretation Made Clear with Your Intuition

dream interpretation made clear with your intuition Are dream symbols universal in meaning 580x420pxDo you have any dreams you want to understand more deeply?

When we sleep, we dream. Dreaming is a simple process that happens automatically, and it is our natural way of working through life challenges.

Dreams are your personality’s way of processing and evolving during sleep. Your mind and emotions are integrating and releasing life perspectives.

To understand your dreams, first consider that there is no universal symbolism in your dreams.

The big misconception that every visual symbol means the same thing for everyone is inaccurate. There is a huge body of information in books and online articles that will tell you what running water means or what a ladder means. All of our experiences and the way our minds process information is unique to each of us, therefore, there can be no ‘cookie cutter’ definition that applies to everyone.

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When Your Intuition Leads You Astray

when your intuition leads you astray ght rQ ByGxA 580w brightWe’ve all felt this at some point:

“My intuition led me astray and I didn’t end up where I thought I would. What’s going on?”

It doesn’t feel good to believe that we are empowered in a direction with information from a soul level, only to find that it doesn’t seem to pan out. This directly hits on triggers in our subconscious mind around doubting, confusion and second-guessing ourselves.

People commonly experience things like:

• Getting intuition to move forward with a partner, only to not have it work out.
• Feeling to purchase something that will be ‘the solution’, but the problem did not get resolved.

So, was your intuition incorrect? Three of the most likely answers are:

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