By Melissa Nelson on Saturday, 26 January 2019
Category: Mediumship, Miracles & Spirit

What Famous Mediums Have in Common and How You Can Get Your Own Messages

Famous Psychic Mediums have one thing in common.

They have developed themselves.

Seasoned psychic mediums typically have felt the calling and had an initial opening from an early age. It’s true our soul abilities can be quite clear when we’re young because of the innocence we have as a child. But that is not enough to be a professional at it. Famous mediums have devoted themselves to developing their ability, and authentic mediums continue to develop for their entire life.

If you go to a psychic medium to receive answers and ask them about how they came to do their work professionally, you’ll want to hear a similar story. But if they try to convince you that they are of the ‘select few’ who were ‘born gifted’ and are ‘there’, that is your sign to run the other way! Look for psychic mediums who value and pursue their own continued growth and development. They will be great role models for you.

No one is ‘there’, or in other words, we continue to grow into new levels of being ‘there’.

Psychic mediums are usually less than 50% accurate with their readings, and this is because they believe they’ve ‘made it’. In doing so, they hit their own pause button and stay locked into a stage of development they’ve probably been in for years. They therefore do not continue their personal and spiritual growth. A medium’s reason for pausing their development is not always ego-based. Some mediums just don’t have the tools to continue their own development…they don’t know how to get to the next level and may not know there is a next level to go to!

2009 is when I started actively pursuing spiritual studies. I quickly befriended the spiritual teachers I was learning from and as I got to know them more intimately, I found that they mostly did not understand how they did what they did. Further conversations led me to understand that their own beliefs and thoughts were interfering with the messages they were getting. I noticed how much their readings were based on their own beliefs. Often times they would access only the surface of what I needed versus the deeper truth, known as a surface reading.

A year later, I met Jason Nelson and learned from him how accuracy is created by continued practice and development. Plus at times he would bring through information from spirit that contradicted his own wants and desires, which is a indicator that the information was correct.

When doing a reading for yourself, it’s important to allow yourself to receive information that you disagree with. If spirit agrees with you on everything then it’s a sign of inaccuracy.

‘Spiritual gifts’ are actually just abilities within every single person. They are being accessed by some more than others. You are a spirit having a physical life, so by that fact, you maintain access to all of your innate spiritual abilities, which include spiritual communication and intuition. You can be your own psychic medium.

What does it take to be your own psychic medium?


We become great by developing. You learn, practice and devote yourself to personal growth to address fears and overcome resistance. This helps you maintain a clear opening to your psychic mediumship abilities.

Get your own messages and become more than 50% accurate by learning the concise techniques spirit has provided to us. They work for every person to develop their psychic mediumship abilities.

We have a full circle approach with our three training courses so you develop your spiritual communication mediumship in Voice Channeling®, intuitive psychic senses in Psychic Retrieval®, and personal growth to shift limiting beliefs and blocks in Five Accomplishments® Coaching.

Allow the infinite wisdom of your magical soul to shine through and illuminate direction and loving support in your daily life.

New Three® University teaches you how to develop yourself in Trainings

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