When Your Intuition Leads You Astray

when your intuition leads you astray ght rQ ByGxA 580w brightWe’ve all felt this at some point:

“My intuition led me astray and I didn’t end up where I thought I would. What’s going on?”

It doesn’t feel good to believe that we are empowered in a direction with information from a soul level, only to find that it doesn’t seem to pan out. This directly hits on triggers in our subconscious mind around doubting, confusion and second-guessing ourselves.

People commonly experience things like:

• Getting intuition to move forward with a partner, only to not have it work out.
• Feeling to purchase something that will be ‘the solution’, but the problem did not get resolved.

So, was your intuition incorrect? Three of the most likely answers are:

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Helping Your Family Open Their Hearts to Your Spiritual Path

helping your family open their hearts to your spiritual path way SXMSkfxA 580x387Helping our family open their hearts to the spiritual decisions we make is something we all care about, because we care about our family, and we want them to benefit from the things that have helped us.

But it’s not always easy. For many of us, it may be shocking and draining to experience the critical responses from our family and friends.

When you find your spiritual path, your eyes are wide-open. It can feel as if you’ve discovered the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and you want everyone to know how to get their pot of gold!

It’s natural to feel joy by sharing the books, events and classes with your family and friends that helped you so much.

Often times loved ones may seem a little supportive at first with comments like “that’s interesting” or “I’m happy for you”, but then comes some criticism, misunderstanding and a feeling of unacceptance. If you’ve experienced any degree of this with loved ones, please know it is very common in today’s world. Given the level of enlightenment that humanity has reached, it’s normal for people lacking a spiritual practice to unconsciously draw from the judgmental collective consciousness energy. But what can you do to help them detach from the judgement and move into understanding? You change the conversation.

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