7 Signs for Intuitive Clarity vs. Human Nature

7 signs for intuitive clarity vs human nature HiNealZcIvx cropped 580wAllowing our human nature to lead our lives can create messy situations, by motivating us to respond from emotional and mental triggers, or even from our preferences of what we think is best.

Our human nature may want to tell someone exactly how we feel. With our emotions running high, we can say or do things that we believe are right in the moment, but we just end up making the situation more difficult.

It’s human to feel uncomfortable around certain people or to do certain things, and because we feel uncomfortable, we think it’s a ‘sign’ that we shouldn’t be around them or do the uncomfortable things.

Discomfort is not an intuitive insight. Discomfort is independent from intuitive ‘hits’ and intuitive direction.

Your intuition simply accesses truth and knowledge of the Universe, therefore it embodies neutrality and is objective.

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Instant Shifts – What to Expect

instant shifts what to expect fly fJOepE9d 580wOne thing we all have in common is a desire for instant changes or instant gratification. By moving into a soul-based mindset, you will experience instant shifts each moment, truly.

My first passion was creating and performing music. Playing guitar in bands from age fifteen to twenty five provided me the greatest pleasure, and part of that satisfaction was how my music touched others. But I wanted more. I wanted a record deal with a real record company. Then, I wanted to write songs for major artists and produce them in the recording studio. I didn’t want to wait.

My epiphany with God on my twenty-fifth birthday showed me a new passion and purpose. Spirit has shown me a great, expansive vision of New Three® University, and what is to come thereafter.

Seeing the future and such an enormous potential, leaves a small part of me wanting it now, whereas the bigger part of me is enjoying each step of creating this global movement under spirit, and the magic each day brings.

More importantly, I’ve learned to see the instant shifts in each moment.

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