Episode 8. Clairsentience: How to Become an Intuitive Feeler January 19, 2024
Explore the transformative power of clairsentience, the intuitive feeling ability that taps into the depths of human emotions and experiences.
Learn how being a 'feeler' connects you with nonphysical energies and becomes essential in manifesting intentions. Discover practical exercises to strengthen this intuitive quality, delving into the depths of emotions, energy fields, and spiritual communication for a profound understanding and enhancement of your intuitive self.
Highlights from the Episode:
- Understanding Clairsentience: Clairsentience allows you to feel nonphysical energy, auras, spiritual guides, and healing energies.
- Healers use this ability to channel healing energy and it plays a vital role in manifesting intentions.
- Recognizing the Feeler in You: A feeler senses emotions and energy in people and environments. Physical traits common among strong feelers are softer, dreamy eyes and a preference for vocations involving hands-on work or humanitarian efforts.
- Challenges of Being a Feeler: Feelers can pick up on others' emotions or physical pains.
- Jason shares his own experiences of feeling overwhelmed as a child and how he learned to manage and trust his intuitive feelings.
- The Importance of Trusting Your Intuition: Trust your intuitive feelings, even when others may deny what you sense.
- Hnoring your intuition can lead to greater clarity and confidence in making decisions and taking actions in your life.
Exercises to Strengthen Intuitive Feeling:
- Emotional Expression: Practice expressing your emotions openly with others to bring greater balance to your intuitive feeling quality.
- Nurture Yourself: Engage in self-care practices like massage, baths, and relaxation to connect with your sense of touch and nurture your intuitive feelings.
- Feel It Out: Before making decisions, take time to feel out the options and trust what your intuition tells you.
- Manifesting: Practice feeling your goals as though they have already manifested, focusing on the emotions and sensations that come with their achievement.
- Healing: Use meditative practices to feel your body as energy, and invite healing energy from your higher power or spiritual guides to balance and restore your well-being.
Personal Stories and Insights:
- Melissa shares her experiences with hands-on healing and how she uses her intuitive feelings to guide her daily decisions. She emphasizes the power of combining intuitive feeling with knowing to make confident life choices.
- Jason discusses how feelers can align with the natural rhythm of life, using nature as a grounding force to balance and enhance their intuitive feelings.
Embracing your intuitive feeling can transform your life, making it easier to navigate emotions, make decisions, and heal yourself and others.
Psychic Retrieval®

- You Will Use All 4 Clairs...
- Psychic seeing, hearing, feeling, and knowing.
- Read Auras for yourself and others.
- Intuitive Clarity when you need it most.
- Expand into your full intuitive potential!