Episode 7. Clairvoyance: How to Become an Intuitive Seer January 4, 2024
Clairvoyance is your intuitive seeing ability where you’ll be able to see nonphysical energy, auras, spiritual guides, and healing energies.
Seers manifest by visualizing the reality they want to create. We’re going to explain your intuitive inner seeing quality, in-depth, also known as clairvoyance.
Explore the exciting world of clairvoyance, or intuitive seeing, and how it can enhance your intuitive readings and spiritual growth. We delve into what it means to be a seer, how to develop your intuitive seeing, and practical exercises to strengthen this powerful ability.
Highlights from the Episode:
- Understanding Clairvoyance: How it allows you to perceive nonphysical energy, auras, spiritual guides, and healing energies.
- The role of visualization in manifesting the reality you desire.
- Recognizing the Seer in You: The qualities of a seer, including thinking in pictures, imagining easily, and being drawn to visual expression and beauty. Physical traits common among strong seers, such as prominent eyes and a preference for beautiful surroundings.
- Intuitive Seeing vs. Mental Visualization: Difference between intuitive seeing and mental creations.
- Detaching from expectations when receiving intuitive visions allows true perceptions to emerge without being blocked by mental projections.
- Challenges and Tips for Intuitive Seeing: How stress, imbalance, or fatigue can affect the clarity of your intuitive seeing. Tips on how to stay grounded and clear-minded to enhance your abilities.
Exercises to Strengthen Intuitive Seeing:
- Beauty: Admire the beauty of art, nature, and your surroundings, and see how it influences your outlook on life. Appreciate your own beauty as well.
- Visualization Hobbies: Engage in hobbies like painting, drawing, or gardening that involve visualization to strengthen your intuitive seeing.
- See Spirit: Invite your spiritual guides to appear during meditation and give yourself permission to see them in whatever form they choose to present themselves.
- Visualization Meditations: Practice visualizing simple scenarios, like walking around your house or spending time in nature, to gain control over your imagination and intuition.
- Manifesting: Visualize your goals and self-image, using this practice to heal and balance yourself. Own your creative power of sight and enjoy the process.
Personal Stories and Insights:
- Melissa shares her experiences with intuitive seeing, including seeing spirit guides, past lives, and using clairvoyance for health purposes, known as medical intuition.
- Jason discusses common reasons why some people may feel their seeing is closed, sharing his own journey of overcoming childhood fears that blocked his intuitive seeing.
Developing your full intuitive perception—seeing, feeling, hearing, and knowing—can transform your life, making decision-making easier and opening up a new world of possibilities.
Psychic Retrieval®

- You Will Use All 4 Clairs...
- Psychic seeing, hearing, feeling, and knowing.
- Read Auras for yourself and others.
- Intuitive Clarity when you need it most.
- Expand into your full intuitive potential!