Live From Your Soul Podcast

Live From Your Soul Podcast

Dive deep into the realms of soul-based living in just 20 minutes per episode. Straight-to-the-point conversations on self-love, channeling, intuition, relationships, manifesting your life's purpose, and so much more. Every episode with Jason and Melissa leaves you with an actionable takeaway to ignite your soul!

Episode 20. Your Spirit Guide's Mission With You June 30, 2024

In a world full of so many people, billions of spirit guides are assisting humanity.

Each of your guides has a unique mission to help you.

What is the mission of your guides?

How are they helping you right now?

Let’s find out!

Knowing your guide’s mission will 100% help you better fulfill your life purpose and get the help you need.

We have guides that parent us…counsel us in our relationship…channel techniques we teach…design images, book covers, logos…align us with the energy of our soul…help us heal our body, mind and emotions…direct our finances… With every human need we have, a spirit guide is there to help!

Voice Channeling®

module vc woman cosmic
Become a Medium and Channel Receive Miracles From Spirit
  • 100% Student Success!
  • Channel Your Spirit Guides as well as higher power or deceased loved ones.
  • Spirit Speaks through your voice.
  • Feel Healing Energy of spirit.
  • Safe, grounded, in-body.
  • Learn how spirit works with you!
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