Channeled Message Spirit Washing Away Your Doubts

Taking a deep breath, the energy began at my left ear and then moved through my head to my right ear, like a line of energy.

I breathed in and then felt the energy coming from the crown of my head and moving down into my forehead.

Again I breathed in, as the energy moved down behind my eyes and nose. I continued to feel the energy in different places in and around my head. My guide Katherine spoke through my voice:

“The message is simple, love yourself as we love you.

Yet most of you don’t know what our love FEELS LIKE because you ignore it anytime you begin to feel its sensations as a fantasy.

Yet, in this moment you can:

1. Allow yourself to feel the love and magic of Creation, of the Source to surround you.

2. And as you allow yourself to believe it is truly happening in this moment, you will feel it more. You are not making anything up. The strong experience with Spirit happens because you’re allowing yourself to believe what is true, that Spirit is always with you, and you can feel it right now.

Allow yourself to believe what is true: You are loved unconditionally. Believe me when I say this. Believing otherwise is not natural. To believe that you are unloved or unworthy is against the natural laws of Creation, of your true nature.

Your soul knows this truth that you are a SPIRITUAL BEING OF ILLUMINATED LOVE and so refer to your loving soul. Allow that source of love and wisdom to become you, to pour over you washing away your doubts, a full cleansing into your soul experience. This, you’re meant to have day in and out, the soul experience, which is love, acceptance, wisdom, and understanding.”

– Spirit Voice Channeling® through Melissa Lilly Nelson January 20th, 2020.

We’d love to welcome you into this training experience where you too can allow Spirit to speak through you and support you in the most impactful way. Spirit will directly guide your life, clearly and with a healing power that will feel beyond imagination!

This program enhances each person’s belief and faith in the Divine. People from all religions have joined and developed a deeper Divine connection that is personal to them.

Register for Voice Channeling®.

A lot of time has gone into the development of this advanced training, countless hours under Spirit’s clear guidance. Our University has created this deep training experience with clear results. However, if you’ve followed us for a while, you have noticed that our University also has and will continue to offer free introductory events both online and in person with other teachers that give tips much like the informational emails and blog posts. We love your participation with us as it resonates with you!

New Three® University teaches you to be your own Divine Channel in Voice Channeling®

Voice Channeling®

module vc woman cosmic
Become a Medium and Channel Receive Miracles From Spirit
  • 100% Student Success!
  • Channel Your Spirit Guides as well as higher power or deceased loved ones.
  • Spirit Speaks through your voice.
  • Feel Healing Energy of spirit.
  • Safe, grounded, in-body.
  • Learn how spirit works with you!
Class Starts Soon