Your Psychic Switch Is Always On

your psychic switch is always on ky BmPhi0bxA 580x387 saturatecroppedYour psychic switch is always on, but for most people it’s only a small percentage of their total perception.

For us to transcend what we see with our eyes and feel the magic of touching the invisible universe we need to raise our psychic percentage to be the majority of our total perception of ourselves and life around us.

Right now the world operates from a place of relying on their physical senses of sight, sound, touch, smell and taste to understand and navigate life with only a very small percentage of psychic insight being used.

By relying on intuitive seeing, feeling, hearing and knowing and using our physical senses simply to back up and enhance what our psychic senses are already showing us, we will feel the full empowered potential we are capable of!

Here's an example of the difference of operating life from our physical senses or psychic senses:

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How Full Psychic Power Changes Your Life

how full psychic power changes your life et BXnpNyzx0 580x387saturatedDoes intuition actually make much of a difference in our lives?

Imagine if you were only capable of having your eyes slightly open and your ears were plugged up without the ability to hear discernable words.

Our physical senses of sight, sound, feeling and mental acuteness do so much for us. Life would be dim without them.

Intuition is dimmed down like the example, but it doesn’t have to be. Your intuitive potential is expansive! Imagine if all of your intuitive senses were just as strong as your physical senses are… what would life be like?

Imagine your Clairvoyance, Intuitive Seeing, is just as strong or stronger than your physical eye sight… What might you see?

• A range of colors beyond the typical physical scope, even seeing energy and frequency.

• Your friend speaks to you about their childhood and you see the whole vision of them as a child and what they were experiencing then as if you were watching a movie of your friend from their past. You see many details that your friend hasn’t mentioned at all because you are perceiving the actual moment in time versus visualizing their story.

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Turn Spiritual Signs Into Full Conversations With Spirit

turn spiritual signs into full conversations with spirit x 2222 321 580wMagical, random spirit encounters can be a lot of fun!

Have you noticed signs giving you some insight, maybe through the perfect song on the radio…the animal that crossed your path…the lost object being suddenly found…the answer that dropped in your mind…knowing what your friend was just about to say…or that feeling of warm love surrounding you when you really need it?

Maybe you receive bits of insight from Spirit in meditation. Perhaps you’ve asked a question and the answer comes to you that day or a few days later. It’s wonderful to feel guided and hindsight allows you to connect the dots of why you’re being guided the way you were.

These are joyful spiritual experiences, but did you know there is so much more to receive from Spirit?

Do you yearn for an expansive two-way conversation with your spiritual guides, where you can ask any question and receive detailed answers? You can have a relationship with Spirit just as deep and profound as you have with your closest human loved ones. You can feel the unconditional, infinite love of Spirit that is a feeling beyond anything in this Physical World.

Your relationship with Spirit is meant to be like your relationship with other people. It’s meant to feel just as real!

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Pet Psychic – Talking With Your Animal

pet psychic talking with your animal Shiloh IMG 20190426 185225Bright580x387Of all the ways to connect with the infinite Universe, connecting with your pet telepathically is fun and can be quite practical.

A Pet Psychic is someone using their psychic senses to perceive an animal’s aura, which includes their intentions, thoughts, feelings and physical wellbeing.

It is also possible that a powerful psychic can plant thoughts into the animal’s mind and aura, and even stimulate healing and balancing.

A Psychic Retrieval® Session can be used for the purpose of focusing on an animal’s aura, just as it can be used for any other psychic insight and perception. The practical applications of working with an animal is cultivating an understanding for an animal misbehaving as well as how to correct the behavior, and medical intuition regarding an animal’s illness and wellbeing. It is a lot of fun to get to know your animal better!

Pet Psychics traditionally are using their psychic insight to relate with an animal, however, Spirit Guides can also enhance an understanding of a situation with a pet. Therefore, spiritual communication is a powerful secondary soul ability to gain clear insight into a pet’s behavior, needs, wellbeing and personality. Because spiritual guides have access to the same aura of the animal and information that we do with our psychic perception, it can be a wonderful confirmation to do a Voice Channeling® Session and have Spirit validate your intuitive insight of your animal.

Combined, the two soul abilities of intuition and spiritual communication can always provide the greatest picture and depth to a situation – any situation!

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How to Manage Your Energy as an Empath

how to manage your energy as an empath G 2260 2442 580wEmpaths are strong Intuitive Feelers, otherwise known as Clairsentience. You may consider yourself a ‘sensitive’ or be a healer.

A strong empath or feeler will have more of a tendency to take energies on and into them, beyond simply perceiving the energy.

Have you felt like you’re taking on other people’s energy, or had difficulty in groups of people publicly?

We are always affected by our interactions and that which we perceive in the physical world and intuitively. It’s how evolution of consciousness works. But that doesn’t mean you need to take into your energy field other people’s energy. There’s a difference.

Perceive the information without absorbing the information.

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Sensitizing Yourself to the Unseen Spirit World

sensitizing yourself to the unseen spirit world ky rmMqykGgC 580wTrusting a message that comes from seemingly nowhere, from an unseen, intangible source, may feel risky to you and you are not alone in your feelings.

When we witness something physical, we typically believe it more. You look into the eyes of your loved one, feel their warm embrace and hear them say, "I love you." You don't think for a moment it's not real or doubt the reality that it happened. But we doubt spirit.

We've been conditioned to trust our physical senses and doubt our nonphysical senses. It started at a very early age.

What if you gave as much validation to your nonphysical senses as you did to your physical ones? Then, when you receive an insight of how your spirit guide may appear, feel the sense of their presence and hear a thought come into your mind of something helpful, you will know that what happened is as real as your friend giving you a hug.

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Timing is Everything with Prophetic Visions

timing is everything with prophetic visions est rmP30WgA 580w When a prophetic vision comes to you, a vision of the future, you may feel a sense of urgency for the vision to come true. This is because when we receive a prophetic vision it's often a powerful experience for us.

Unfortunately, many people misunderstand the timing of their vision and become disappointed or doubt themselves. Receiving a future vision today, does not mean it will happen today, next year, or even ten years from now.

It is very helpful to discern the accurate timing of your vision and your participation with it. You may have a specific role with the vision that needs to be understood. Having context for your vision in relation to your whole life is just as important as the vision itself.

I wrote my first book, Age of the Soul, using channeled writing in 2006. While channeling the book, I received a prophetic vision about a physical university to be co-created with myself, other like-minded individuals, and God-The Source. However, now eleven years later, the actual timing for the physical university is not today, but years down the road.

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Sensitive Feelers – How to Stop Picking Up Other Energy

sensitive feelers how to stop picking up other energy G 2571 2397 580w Have you felt that you are sensitive to people and situations?

Looking back, you may notice that you picked up on people's feelings, thoughts, and even physical pains and discomforts. This likely means you are a strong intuitive feeler, also known as clairsentience.

When interacting with people as an intuitive feeler, you must be aware of two things:

#1 Read energy, instead of experiencing or taking on energy.

#2 Maintain a grounded energy or aura.

These two things will significantly support a sensitive feeler in their daily interactions to be unaffected by other people's energy and feel more at peace.

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Angels, Guardian Angels, Gatekeepers – Get to Know Your Primary and Secondary Spirit Guides

angels guardianangels gatekeepers SoFGr2YLDl 580wLong ago when souls first incarnated into the human on Earth, there needed to be beings that would oversee their entire life from birth until death. These beings are called Primary Guides, because they are the first and last being to have a direct influence over your lifetime.

Primary guides have been called by many names: Angels, Guardian Angels, Gatekeepers, God. You may call this influence on your life any name you are comfortable with.

You only have one primary guide and their main responsibility is to execute your soul's plan that it created before you incarnated. To achieve your soul's goals requires bringing in secondary guides on a daily basis.

The difference between a primary guide and a secondary guide isn't based on their evolution, experiences or even expertise. Simply, the primary guide has chosen to be with one human for their entire life, and a secondary guide has chosen to influence them for a duration of time that is directly dependent upon the benefit to and fulfillment of the human's needs.

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Intuitively Thrive – “I don’t see, but I want to see”

intuitively thrive i dont see but i want to see mg 8867 1933 new 580You are clairvoyant. You’re also clairaudient, clairsentient and claircognizant. What I’m saying here is you have all four intuitive or psychic senses: intuitive seeing, hearing, feeling and knowing.

People believe they’re born with only one or two psychic senses, and this is very limiting. It limits confidence, our perception of the unseen world and therefore dampens everyday life experiences. Re-imagine what it would feel like to thrive with all four psychic senses, because all four are already on within you. It’s just a matter of recognizing it. Here’s how.

You do have an intuitive order, which means you tend to have one or two senses that are stronger than the others, but you do still have all four. First you need to identify this order. You may be aware of one of your strongest or weakest intuitive senses, but you need the full picture, so you can start exercising the ones that are weaker. We want all of our clairs to be equal in strength. Intuitive Charting can help you see this and understand your order (you can have an Intuitive Charting Session with us when you select at least “2” Psychic Retrieval® Sessions).

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How to Be Unaffected by People’s Energy

how to be unaffected by peoples energy G 6690 2223 580wSensitives are overwhelmed and affected by the energy of people, places and things.

A common question my clients ask is, “How can I not be affected by this person or situation?” You’ve probably thought this before.

Sometimes family members, your partner, coworkers, or even children, can have an energy that is overwhelming. It feels like the opposite of peace and calm.

These energies can create uncomfortable feelings in your body of hot or cold, sleepy or stimulating, mental or emotional, or even body pains and energetic ickiness. If you think about it, you can probably imagine how you’ve been uncomfortable with the energy of others daily.

There are reasons why you are affected by these external energies. As much as we’d like to believe “we’ve made it” and that “us enlightened people shouldn’t be affected by others,” we are affected.

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7 Signs for Intuitive Clarity vs. Human Nature

7 signs for intuitive clarity vs human nature HiNealZcIvx cropped 580wAllowing our human nature to lead our lives can create messy situations, by motivating us to respond from emotional and mental triggers, or even from our preferences of what we think is best.

Our human nature may want to tell someone exactly how we feel. With our emotions running high, we can say or do things that we believe are right in the moment, but we just end up making the situation more difficult.

It’s human to feel uncomfortable around certain people or to do certain things, and because we feel uncomfortable, we think it’s a ‘sign’ that we shouldn’t be around them or do the uncomfortable things.

Discomfort is not an intuitive insight. Discomfort is independent from intuitive ‘hits’ and intuitive direction.

Your intuition simply accesses truth and knowledge of the Universe, therefore it embodies neutrality and is objective.

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Is Intuition Genetic or Can It Be Learned?

is intuition genetic or can it be learned 0 0516 48 580wIs Intuition Genetic or Can It Be Learned?

Commonly people believe that intuition is genetic, meaning passed down through a lineage or that we are born with only one or two of the four main intuitive senses of seeing, hearing, feeling and knowing. Is this true or can we learn to fully open these four intuitive qualities?

My mother was always incredibly intuitive, not only knowing things before they happen, but knowing where missing objects were located with incredible precision. She also talked to spirit. Her main spirit guide’s name is Angelica and my mom shared with me that Angelica has been with her since the beginning of her life. My earliest childhood memories are of seeing spirit.

Is there a connection between my mother’s ability and mine? Yes, but not in the way you may think. The way our abilities are connected are simply because I was in the aura or energy of these abilities being used, so it actually programmed my subconscious mind from pre-birth that not only are these abilities real, but they are accessible. In this way, my abilities were nurtured. Though it is not genetic.

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