Deep Soul Love from Radical Self-Awareness

deep soul love from radical self awareness wn BQiFxyfgR 580wWhat is the energy of your soul?

Your soul is pure, expansive, incredible love. It feels like absolute freedom and connection to everything.

The relationship with my soul is the most beautiful love I’ve ever known.

How do you align with the energy of your soul?

Awareness is our most powerful tool. Releasing mental and emotional energy that is not supporting us to live in love is how we know our soul.

Subconscious beliefs that produce behaviors and patterns are often the root of the things we find most challenging to change.

For decades we've taken on thought patterns in contradiction to our soul. So let’s be patient with ourselves to cultivate awareness of what they are! Give yourself the gift of relaxing into radical self-awareness.

Here are a few ways to align with the deep love of your soul:

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