Highest Benefit Is Happening, Even Now

No Matter What Things Might Look Like 2 mg 1525 3113 580x580webWhat does “Highest Benefit” really mean...and why does it matter to you?

The Highest Benefit matters to you because:

You are being directed to it every day,

Things often work out different than you thought because of it, and

Prayers go unanswered because of it.

Do you know the song Unanswered Prayers? It’s a song that says “some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers” and it talks about being young and praying that you would end up with a certain person. It goes on to say that now, later in life, being married and grateful that your original prayer wasn’t answered because you know who you ended up with is the best person for you.

We sometimes can’t see what the best experience is for us, but Spirit does see it clearly.

When I was a child my Dad played this song in the car, as his music taste was usually country or Elvis Presley. The lyrics had struck me then and I’ve come back to them throughout my life. The lyrics helped me to know there is a greater orchestration than I could possibly see. To me, the lyrics meant sometimes we don’t see our highest benefit in the moment but we understand it looking back.

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Akashic Record Reading – Family Relationships

akashic record reading family relationships G 1331 1137 580wAkashic Record information about every lifetime someone has lived is a fascinating psychic resource to understand you and your loved ones much better. Also known as Universal Records or Hall of Records, this perfect energetic memory of existence can be tapped into during a psychic reading.

Imagine this information as reading a book that specifies not just events that happened during a lifetime, but the full sensory experience of you and everyone involved in every experience that you had during that lifetime.

It is easily accessible with the right, effective intuitive technique allowing you to literally step into the full sensory experience of a past life you’ve lived. You can intuitively:

see through the eyes of your body during that lifetime,
feel it’s sensations and
• be in touch with the wisdom accumulated.

When you use the Akashic Records to re-experience a situation from a past life, you can intend to:

step into the past life experience of any person involved,
• to see through their eyes and feel what they felt about you and
• the circumstances during that time.

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