Channeling New Energy for An Incredible Year

channeling new energy for an incredible year 3 bright 359 580wSpring Into New Energy!

It’s time to clear out the old energy and bring in the vibrant new energy to help you manifest an incredible year.

What new energy do you want to create for yourself?

• Do you want to enhance your spiritual attunement…

• Are you wanting a new relationship, or to revitalize the energy and connection in your existing relationship…

• Is your health asking you to focus on exercise, diet, self-care, mental and emotional help…

• How fulfilled are you in your career and do you feel aligned with your life purpose?

We can accomplish so much in a year.

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Manifesting Beyond the Law of Attraction

powering up your feeling of spirit 8 5349 846 580wInfluences are constantly affecting our ability to manifest. Teachers are tapping into higher levels of manifesting: conscious thoughts; then, subconscious thoughts; finally, manifesting beyond the Law of Attraction altogether.

It's likely many people reading this are thinking, how can something be more effective than even the "Law of Attraction"'s a universal law, isn't it?

The interesting, missed understanding about universal laws, is they mostly govern our physical experience, but there are exceptions, for instance, where the Law of Attraction does not govern our life direction, in the context of focusing our thoughts to manifest something.

Manifesting beyond the Law of Attraction does involve our conscious and subconscious mind, and something else...aligning with our soul's life purpose.

'Soul Manifesting' is an approach to manifesting that is far more effective, in so many ways, than only using 'Mental Manifesting'. They complement each other, and they are quite different at the same time.

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Destiny of Your Soul

destiny of your soul G 3287 1787 580wManifesting a purposeful life is more important than manifesting a long life.

Refocusing our underlying motivation is how we can better create our soul's destiny!

Consider pivoting from, "May you have a long and happy life," to "May you live a purposeful and soul-based life."

Our soul's viewpoint is not to extend future moments, but to be present for this moment, here, now.

Our soul sees the length of a life not as better or worse, but instead asks the questions at the completion of its life, "What opportunities did I seize? Did I choose to love and accept, when it was most difficult? Did I contribute what I intended to share with the Earth?"

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What Spirit Guides Say About Soul Mates

what spirit guides say about soul mates G 5977 425 580wGenuine spiritual relationships are not as rare as some might think. Soul mates, twin flames, life partners, marriage. . . We are going to clarify the difference and similarities.

It is every person's destiny to be in relationship with another person. Relationships are our greatest opportunity to receive the spiritual experiences our soul wanted to have when it planned and envisioned this most beneficial lifetime.

Humans are not naturally meant to be alone or isolated; it goes against how the Source designed the incarnation experience on Earth of a soul existing in the human body. Most people feel drawn to be with someone, as a partner in life, for the short term or long term.

The length a relationship is purposeful, is solely based on how the relationship serves experiences that both souls wanted to receive. This is called a mutual benefit on a spiritual level. We don't always see or know what that benefit is when we're in the middle of it, but it helps us to consider indirect benefits or ones that aren't obvious.

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Spirit Knows Your Deepest Soul Desire

spirit knows your deepest soul desire 7 8984 217 580wYou are not alone, ever, and we're not speaking about the lofty way it's often talked about with God and spirit guides always being 'there'. This support goes far beyond a 'presence' and bridges the gap into the physical world to help you with your practical challenges and everyday choices of life.

There will be a point in your life—Invite It In Now—when you will decide to bring the relationship with your higher power into a tangible place, where spirit can provide you with answers, solutions and your deepest soul desires. Because in those deepest desires, lies the forward path into your life purpose and accomplishing it.

You see, the energetic direction of where you’re meant to go and who you’re meant to travel with is always knocking at the door. It's always tapping you on the shoulder. . .and you feel it. For some people, they actually see it in vision. Others know it with confidence. For some it's subtle and others it's strong.

Let's look at how you can increase your ease and confidence through the challenges and choices you have right now in your life. We’re going to look at how to receive your deepest soul desires from your higher power.

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Channel a Book – Share Your Soul's Voice

channel a book share your souls voice nd rm4F0CbgC 580wAnchoring your soul’s voice physically actually helps it manifest more clearly.

Channeling a book from your soul, or even directly from your higher power, is of the most fulfilling experiences and infinitely important, because it solidifies a real, true compass of energetic direction and wisdom that is beyond what our individual self may have knowledge of…and it’s not just for a select few, it’s an ability you have too.

I use channeled writing to bring through my books, currently published and available including Age of the Soul and Empower Our Children. The experience is incredible, invigorating and tremendously healing.

When I was called to channel my first book, it did not make sense to me. I got D’s in English class, because it was my least favorite subject. I had no idea what I would write.

I said, “Really God, me?” Source told me, “Just write.” So I did, initially channeling my first book in two weeks.

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How to Be Unaffected by People’s Energy

how to be unaffected by peoples energy G 6690 2223 580wSensitives are overwhelmed and affected by the energy of people, places and things.

A common question my clients ask is, “How can I not be affected by this person or situation?” You’ve probably thought this before.

Sometimes family members, your partner, coworkers, or even children, can have an energy that is overwhelming. It feels like the opposite of peace and calm.

These energies can create uncomfortable feelings in your body of hot or cold, sleepy or stimulating, mental or emotional, or even body pains and energetic ickiness. If you think about it, you can probably imagine how you’ve been uncomfortable with the energy of others daily.

There are reasons why you are affected by these external energies. As much as we’d like to believe “we’ve made it” and that “us enlightened people shouldn’t be affected by others,” we are affected.

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Access the Energy Line of Spirit Leading You

access the energy line of spirit leading you s BjcZxZ5Uvx 580Allowing spirit to lead you grants access to an energy line that few people have connected to.

A few big ways people prevent spirit from leading include: procrastinating, mistrust, and not having an effective technique to hear, see, know and feel spirit.

For Melissa and I, we recently overcame the procrastination around guidance spirit gave us two years ago. They instructed us to move to snowy Big Bear Lake, California, two and a half hours from the life and people we know. Actually, the big reason we have procrastinated is because of the long, windy road going up the mountain, and the thought of driving down and back up it once a week.

But we’re making the move this week. We can feel the change happening and look forward to finally following spirit’s instructions to live there.

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Instant Shifts – What to Expect

instant shifts what to expect fly fJOepE9d 580wOne thing we all have in common is a desire for instant changes or instant gratification. By moving into a soul-based mindset, you will experience instant shifts each moment, truly.

My first passion was creating and performing music. Playing guitar in bands from age fifteen to twenty five provided me the greatest pleasure, and part of that satisfaction was how my music touched others. But I wanted more. I wanted a record deal with a real record company. Then, I wanted to write songs for major artists and produce them in the recording studio. I didn’t want to wait.

My epiphany with God on my twenty-fifth birthday showed me a new passion and purpose. Spirit has shown me a great, expansive vision of New Three® University, and what is to come thereafter.

Seeing the future and such an enormous potential, leaves a small part of me wanting it now, whereas the bigger part of me is enjoying each step of creating this global movement under spirit, and the magic each day brings.

More importantly, I’ve learned to see the instant shifts in each moment.

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Knowing the Deepest Desires of Your Soul

knowing the deepest desires of your soul G 6798 2229 580wAre my wants and desires coming from my soul?

A common question people ask is whether that feeling is of the soul or just a human desire.

Have you ever thought, “It feels like my soul longs for and wants *this*?”

What’s true is that our personality has wants and desires, and our soul also has wants and desires. The soul’s desires are always going to be the most purposeful and fulfilling, but may also be challenging. Typically the human personality’s desires are more of a comfortable feeling because it’s human to choose what we think is a path of least resistance. The issue is our limited human mind can’t know for sure which path is going to lead us into the greatest soul fulfillment. Only the soul knows this.

Sometimes the wants of our personality are aligned with our soul, but often times they are not. Timing is usually where we’re off using only the human mind. We may strongly feel we’re meant to have something right now, when it actually may be years away.

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