How to Manage Your Energy as an Empath

how to manage your energy as an empath G 2260 2442 580wEmpaths are strong Intuitive Feelers, otherwise known as Clairsentience. You may consider yourself a ‘sensitive’ or be a healer.

A strong empath or feeler will have more of a tendency to take energies on and into them, beyond simply perceiving the energy.

Have you felt like you’re taking on other people’s energy, or had difficulty in groups of people publicly?

We are always affected by our interactions and that which we perceive in the physical world and intuitively. It’s how evolution of consciousness works. But that doesn’t mean you need to take into your energy field other people’s energy. There’s a difference.

Perceive the information without absorbing the information.

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Never Feel Wrong Again – A Humble Radical Shift

never feel wrong again a humble radical shift G 2251 2440 580wWhen our mind and heart do not believe that we are doing as well as we could be, or that life is not going as well as it could go, we move out of alignment with our soul’s vibration and purpose.

A detrimental ripple effect is created from the moment we acknowledge:

"Something feels wrong."

No matter how developed a person is or how much they have transformed within themselves, we’ve all felt this.

Unfortunately, when we linger in these thoughts, it will tug and pull us away from the natural rhythm and vibration of our loving soul. As this happens, we move out of alignment with our highest path and greatest wellbeing. It also greatly colors how we see life.

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Sensitive Feelers – How to Stop Picking Up Other Energy

sensitive feelers how to stop picking up other energy G 2571 2397 580w Have you felt that you are sensitive to people and situations?

Looking back, you may notice that you picked up on people's feelings, thoughts, and even physical pains and discomforts. This likely means you are a strong intuitive feeler, also known as clairsentience.

When interacting with people as an intuitive feeler, you must be aware of two things:

#1 Read energy, instead of experiencing or taking on energy.

#2 Maintain a grounded energy or aura.

These two things will significantly support a sensitive feeler in their daily interactions to be unaffected by other people's energy and feel more at peace.

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Trusting Subtle Psychic Hits

trusting subtle psychic hits od HXZYe1MlR 580w 3 You get an "intuition" about something, and then your mind starts building a picture around your intuition, placing your own thoughts, preferences or even fears into it.

Without realizing it, you've turned an initial clear "psychic hit" into a confusing version that can take you off path.

Coloring intuition is extremely common, for different reasons, and everyone has experienced some version of this.

There is one way to make an instant shift, so you can trust your psychic hits. Your intuition is received on a vibratory level that is more subtle than your thoughts, emotions and physical body.

Calming, centering and grounding your total energetic system will allow you to interpret the subtle energy from your intuition. This isn't just a recommendation for clarity, it is a necessity.

This is how you do it. . .

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Powering Up Your Feeling of Spirit

powering up your feeling of spirit 8 5349 846 580wMany people don't feel a relationship with spirit. Instead, they feel disconnected. But deep down, everyone wants to feel oneness with spirit.

Questioning if spirit is with you, produces doubtful feelings. Don't question it, or wait for 'proof'. Create your own 'proof'.

Spirit is always with you, each moment of your existence, in a real way.

Be ambitious. Tap into your relationship with spirit. Create your spiritual oneness.

Here's how you can get started.

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Destiny of Your Soul

destiny of your soul G 3287 1787 580wManifesting a purposeful life is more important than manifesting a long life.

Refocusing our underlying motivation is how we can better create our soul's destiny!

Consider pivoting from, "May you have a long and happy life," to "May you live a purposeful and soul-based life."

Our soul's viewpoint is not to extend future moments, but to be present for this moment, here, now.

Our soul sees the length of a life not as better or worse, but instead asks the questions at the completion of its life, "What opportunities did I seize? Did I choose to love and accept, when it was most difficult? Did I contribute what I intended to share with the Earth?"

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Expressing Clear Love in Relationship Crisis

expressing clear love in crisis x 7498 640 580wHigh emotions can greatly reduce happiness and intimacy, leading to pain and suffering.

Charged-up relationships feel volatile. How do we turn a triggering situation with someone into an empowering opportunity to feel abundant peace and happiness?

The short answer is to love yourself, which allows you to love others, but this is how you get there:

My relationships with close family and my life partner is highly emotional at times. We know this is part of being human in today's world. We can experience heightened emotions with loved ones.

People show a spectrum of love, and that is what we really want to remember when understanding the path to feeling more love. Our love is expressed clearer sometimes than others.

Holidays, big transitions, and differences of opinion, often shine light on the parts of us that express unclear love.

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Transcending the Gap Between Joy and Discomfort – An Evolved Perspective

transcending the gap between joy and discomfort mg 0158 3278 580wSometimes when we choose to believe that life should be a happy, loving, comfortable experience, it can limit us from receiving everything this Universe has for us and what is most purposeful for our soul.

Deep down not a single person would consciously prefer to be uncomfortable. The issue is not about whether you would prefer to be comfortable or uncomfortable, because both will happen. The accomplishment here is being able to see an equal value in both.

By valuing both equally, we can eventually evolve into preferring them equally, without judgement, based on what is most purposeful for our soul.

Then, our inner dialogue changes from, “What makes me comfortable?” to “What is serving and supporting my soul's purpose?”

Comfort and discomfort do not define you as a good person or bad person, or an ego-based or soul-based person.

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Ending Reincarnation – Getting It All This Life

ending reincarnation getting it all this lifeSouls are choosing to reincarnate hundreds or thousands of times because of one main human imbalance.

We will identify and solve this imbalance, so you may feel better now and save your soul possibly hundreds of lifetimes. You can actually eliminate the need to reincarnate.

20 years of my life, from age five to twenty-five, was a very ungrounded time for me. I began school and interacting with the world in a larger way, which led me to an imbalance in my energy, causing an ungrounded energetic state of being.

I'm not sure exactly how much of those 20 years will not be included in the life experiences my soul takes back with it, but because I was ungrounded, or not present, there is a portion of those experiences not counted by my soul.

At age twenty-five, I learned about this necessity of being grounded, completely and fully, and I began teaching it to others, so they could have all of their experiences count and be used by their soul.

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How to Be Unaffected by People’s Energy

how to be unaffected by peoples energy G 6690 2223 580wSensitives are overwhelmed and affected by the energy of people, places and things.

A common question my clients ask is, “How can I not be affected by this person or situation?” You’ve probably thought this before.

Sometimes family members, your partner, coworkers, or even children, can have an energy that is overwhelming. It feels like the opposite of peace and calm.

These energies can create uncomfortable feelings in your body of hot or cold, sleepy or stimulating, mental or emotional, or even body pains and energetic ickiness. If you think about it, you can probably imagine how you’ve been uncomfortable with the energy of others daily.

There are reasons why you are affected by these external energies. As much as we’d like to believe “we’ve made it” and that “us enlightened people shouldn’t be affected by others,” we are affected.

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7 Signs for Intuitive Clarity vs. Human Nature

7 signs for intuitive clarity vs human nature HiNealZcIvx cropped 580wAllowing our human nature to lead our lives can create messy situations, by motivating us to respond from emotional and mental triggers, or even from our preferences of what we think is best.

Our human nature may want to tell someone exactly how we feel. With our emotions running high, we can say or do things that we believe are right in the moment, but we just end up making the situation more difficult.

It’s human to feel uncomfortable around certain people or to do certain things, and because we feel uncomfortable, we think it’s a ‘sign’ that we shouldn’t be around them or do the uncomfortable things.

Discomfort is not an intuitive insight. Discomfort is independent from intuitive ‘hits’ and intuitive direction.

Your intuition simply accesses truth and knowledge of the Universe, therefore it embodies neutrality and is objective.

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Instant Shifts – What to Expect

instant shifts what to expect fly fJOepE9d 580wOne thing we all have in common is a desire for instant changes or instant gratification. By moving into a soul-based mindset, you will experience instant shifts each moment, truly.

My first passion was creating and performing music. Playing guitar in bands from age fifteen to twenty five provided me the greatest pleasure, and part of that satisfaction was how my music touched others. But I wanted more. I wanted a record deal with a real record company. Then, I wanted to write songs for major artists and produce them in the recording studio. I didn’t want to wait.

My epiphany with God on my twenty-fifth birthday showed me a new passion and purpose. Spirit has shown me a great, expansive vision of New Three® University, and what is to come thereafter.

Seeing the future and such an enormous potential, leaves a small part of me wanting it now, whereas the bigger part of me is enjoying each step of creating this global movement under spirit, and the magic each day brings.

More importantly, I’ve learned to see the instant shifts in each moment.

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