Love Notes From Your Soul – Gifts For Your Purpose

love notes from your soul gifts for your purpose se r7VfAA l0 brightlight580x387Gifts are everywhere. Do you see the gifts in front of you now?

The energy of this new year is calling us to receive the multitude of gifts for our life purpose.

Each gift expands us, opens us, allows us to be present as our loving soul manifests its reason for being on the planet at this time.

Then our question is more than ever, "How can I serve my soul's purpose by capturing and opening every gift in every moment?" This approach is based on the understanding that each moment is an opportunity to expand into and know our soul's destiny more deeply.

Each emotion, belief system, action and even physical manifestation are love notes from our soul helping us to make the best decisions and course changes to feel passionate and fulfilled inside as a result of more fully living our purpose.

We must embrace radical self-awareness to the point that we are aware of every dimension of ourselves in each life experience. By delving into radical self-awareness we can see our gifts more clearly, gifts that bring opportunity, abundance, healing and fulfillment. These gifts are within our emotions, our thoughts, our actions and how the universe responds to us, how people interact with us.

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