Telepathy – The Gift of Unspoken Communication

telepathy the gift of unspoken communication a4953 3 1616 580wTelepathy is unspoken, intuitive communication. It can also be called thought transference or mind reading.

When it is open, accurate and shared between two people, telepathic communication eliminates all misunderstandings and will significantly increase the harmony and love experienced between people. An individual’s truth will be known and as a result, people will effectively align and fulfill their life purpose.

Using your psychic energy is not limited to one intuitive sense, such as clairaudience intuitive hearing. Telepathy includes all intuitive senses to receive and send information.

Jason and my daily conversations consist of, “I knew you were going to say that!” and “You just said what I was thinking!” This is a common experience everyone has, especially with people you are close to.

My most remarkable experience with telepathic communication was telepathically receiving and then verbally communicating what my mother-in-law wanted to express when she could not physically communicate. She had a neurological deterioration of her brain stem and could not communicate verbally or through writing. She was almost completely paralyzed, but fully aware and could raise her eyebrows and sometimes blink to acknowledge “yes” or “no.” She had a lot of love and enjoyment around her, living her final days out in her home, but it was sometimes frustrating for her to not be able to share verbally.

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