Transcending the Gap Between Joy and Discomfort – An Evolved Perspective

transcending the gap between joy and discomfort mg 0158 3278 580wSometimes when we choose to believe that life should be a happy, loving, comfortable experience, it can limit us from receiving everything this Universe has for us and what is most purposeful for our soul.

Deep down not a single person would consciously prefer to be uncomfortable. The issue is not about whether you would prefer to be comfortable or uncomfortable, because both will happen. The accomplishment here is being able to see an equal value in both.

By valuing both equally, we can eventually evolve into preferring them equally, without judgement, based on what is most purposeful for our soul.

Then, our inner dialogue changes from, “What makes me comfortable?” to “What is serving and supporting my soul's purpose?”

Comfort and discomfort do not define you as a good person or bad person, or an ego-based or soul-based person.

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Angels, Guardian Angels, Gatekeepers – Get to Know Your Primary and Secondary Spirit Guides

angels guardianangels gatekeepers SoFGr2YLDl 580wLong ago when souls first incarnated into the human on Earth, there needed to be beings that would oversee their entire life from birth until death. These beings are called Primary Guides, because they are the first and last being to have a direct influence over your lifetime.

Primary guides have been called by many names: Angels, Guardian Angels, Gatekeepers, God. You may call this influence on your life any name you are comfortable with.

You only have one primary guide and their main responsibility is to execute your soul's plan that it created before you incarnated. To achieve your soul's goals requires bringing in secondary guides on a daily basis.

The difference between a primary guide and a secondary guide isn't based on their evolution, experiences or even expertise. Simply, the primary guide has chosen to be with one human for their entire life, and a secondary guide has chosen to influence them for a duration of time that is directly dependent upon the benefit to and fulfillment of the human's needs.

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What Spirit Guides Say About Soul Mates

what spirit guides say about soul mates G 5977 425 580wGenuine spiritual relationships are not as rare as some might think. Soul mates, twin flames, life partners, marriage. . . We are going to clarify the difference and similarities.

It is every person's destiny to be in relationship with another person. Relationships are our greatest opportunity to receive the spiritual experiences our soul wanted to have when it planned and envisioned this most beneficial lifetime.

Humans are not naturally meant to be alone or isolated; it goes against how the Source designed the incarnation experience on Earth of a soul existing in the human body. Most people feel drawn to be with someone, as a partner in life, for the short term or long term.

The length a relationship is purposeful, is solely based on how the relationship serves experiences that both souls wanted to receive. This is called a mutual benefit on a spiritual level. We don't always see or know what that benefit is when we're in the middle of it, but it helps us to consider indirect benefits or ones that aren't obvious.

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Expressing Clear Love in Relationship Crisis

expressing clear love in crisis x 7498 640 580wHigh emotions can greatly reduce happiness and intimacy, leading to pain and suffering.

Charged-up relationships feel volatile. How do we turn a triggering situation with someone into an empowering opportunity to feel abundant peace and happiness?

The short answer is to love yourself, which allows you to love others, but this is how you get there:

My relationships with close family and my life partner is highly emotional at times. We know this is part of being human in today's world. We can experience heightened emotions with loved ones.

People show a spectrum of love, and that is what we really want to remember when understanding the path to feeling more love. Our love is expressed clearer sometimes than others.

Holidays, big transitions, and differences of opinion, often shine light on the parts of us that express unclear love.

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Destiny of Your Soul

destiny of your soul G 3287 1787 580wManifesting a purposeful life is more important than manifesting a long life.

Refocusing our underlying motivation is how we can better create our soul's destiny!

Consider pivoting from, "May you have a long and happy life," to "May you live a purposeful and soul-based life."

Our soul's viewpoint is not to extend future moments, but to be present for this moment, here, now.

Our soul sees the length of a life not as better or worse, but instead asks the questions at the completion of its life, "What opportunities did I seize? Did I choose to love and accept, when it was most difficult? Did I contribute what I intended to share with the Earth?"

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Manifesting Beyond the Law of Attraction

powering up your feeling of spirit 8 5349 846 580wInfluences are constantly affecting our ability to manifest. Teachers are tapping into higher levels of manifesting: conscious thoughts; then, subconscious thoughts; finally, manifesting beyond the Law of Attraction altogether.

It's likely many people reading this are thinking, how can something be more effective than even the "Law of Attraction"'s a universal law, isn't it?

The interesting, missed understanding about universal laws, is they mostly govern our physical experience, but there are exceptions, for instance, where the Law of Attraction does not govern our life direction, in the context of focusing our thoughts to manifest something.

Manifesting beyond the Law of Attraction does involve our conscious and subconscious mind, and something else...aligning with our soul's life purpose.

'Soul Manifesting' is an approach to manifesting that is far more effective, in so many ways, than only using 'Mental Manifesting'. They complement each other, and they are quite different at the same time.

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Powering Up Your Feeling of Spirit

powering up your feeling of spirit 8 5349 846 580wMany people don't feel a relationship with spirit. Instead, they feel disconnected. But deep down, everyone wants to feel oneness with spirit.

Questioning if spirit is with you, produces doubtful feelings. Don't question it, or wait for 'proof'. Create your own 'proof'.

Spirit is always with you, each moment of your existence, in a real way.

Be ambitious. Tap into your relationship with spirit. Create your spiritual oneness.

Here's how you can get started.

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Moving Mountains with Subconscious Healing

moving mountains with subconscious healing y rPSSAxunzx 580wYour situation hasn't changed. . . but you've done the work to change your thoughts about the situation and there is no perceived improvement, what do you do?

To break through the areas that seem impossible, you want to understand subconscious healing. And as you read on, you'll learn an exercise to move your inner and outer mountains!

Let's get real with the underlying reason we feel inner conflict: When two or more parts of you are thinking or creating something different, you experience inner conflict.

Changing the sabotaging part of you is not the hard part.

Revealing that conflicting part is often the illusive journey.

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Trusting Subtle Psychic Hits

trusting subtle psychic hits od HXZYe1MlR 580w 3 You get an "intuition" about something, and then your mind starts building a picture around your intuition, placing your own thoughts, preferences or even fears into it.

Without realizing it, you've turned an initial clear "psychic hit" into a confusing version that can take you off path.

Coloring intuition is extremely common, for different reasons, and everyone has experienced some version of this.

There is one way to make an instant shift, so you can trust your psychic hits. Your intuition is received on a vibratory level that is more subtle than your thoughts, emotions and physical body.

Calming, centering and grounding your total energetic system will allow you to interpret the subtle energy from your intuition. This isn't just a recommendation for clarity, it is a necessity.

This is how you do it. . .

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Sensitive Feelers – How to Stop Picking Up Other Energy

sensitive feelers how to stop picking up other energy G 2571 2397 580w Have you felt that you are sensitive to people and situations?

Looking back, you may notice that you picked up on people's feelings, thoughts, and even physical pains and discomforts. This likely means you are a strong intuitive feeler, also known as clairsentience.

When interacting with people as an intuitive feeler, you must be aware of two things:

#1 Read energy, instead of experiencing or taking on energy.

#2 Maintain a grounded energy or aura.

These two things will significantly support a sensitive feeler in their daily interactions to be unaffected by other people's energy and feel more at peace.

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Timing is Everything with Prophetic Visions

timing is everything with prophetic visions est rmP30WgA 580w When a prophetic vision comes to you, a vision of the future, you may feel a sense of urgency for the vision to come true. This is because when we receive a prophetic vision it's often a powerful experience for us.

Unfortunately, many people misunderstand the timing of their vision and become disappointed or doubt themselves. Receiving a future vision today, does not mean it will happen today, next year, or even ten years from now.

It is very helpful to discern the accurate timing of your vision and your participation with it. You may have a specific role with the vision that needs to be understood. Having context for your vision in relation to your whole life is just as important as the vision itself.

I wrote my first book, Age of the Soul, using channeled writing in 2006. While channeling the book, I received a prophetic vision about a physical university to be co-created with myself, other like-minded individuals, and God-The Source. However, now eleven years later, the actual timing for the physical university is not today, but years down the road.

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Express Ticket to Eliminate Stressful Obligation

express ticket to eliminate stressful obligation G 9768 1968 580w revFeeling powerless and trapped, doing things you don’t want to do, is one of the worst feelings.

Have you been invited to go out with friends and told them, “I can’t go because I need to do something?”

It's common to provide them with a reason that you “have to do”, “should do” or “need to do” some other obligation. This view is particularly disempowering and will leave you feeling some sense of contracted energy or inner conflict.

The true objective reality is we don’t do something out of 'need', we do it out of 'want'. This is true with everything we do. We do it because we want to do it. On some level, we are choosing to participate in the experience, even though we believe we have no choice.

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Never Feel Wrong Again – A Humble Radical Shift

never feel wrong again a humble radical shift G 2251 2440 580wWhen our mind and heart do not believe that we are doing as well as we could be, or that life is not going as well as it could go, we move out of alignment with our soul’s vibration and purpose.

A detrimental ripple effect is created from the moment we acknowledge:

"Something feels wrong."

No matter how developed a person is or how much they have transformed within themselves, we’ve all felt this.

Unfortunately, when we linger in these thoughts, it will tug and pull us away from the natural rhythm and vibration of our loving soul. As this happens, we move out of alignment with our highest path and greatest wellbeing. It also greatly colors how we see life.

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Sensitizing Yourself to the Unseen Spirit World

sensitizing yourself to the unseen spirit world ky rmMqykGgC 580wTrusting a message that comes from seemingly nowhere, from an unseen, intangible source, may feel risky to you and you are not alone in your feelings.

When we witness something physical, we typically believe it more. You look into the eyes of your loved one, feel their warm embrace and hear them say, "I love you." You don't think for a moment it's not real or doubt the reality that it happened. But we doubt spirit.

We've been conditioned to trust our physical senses and doubt our nonphysical senses. It started at a very early age.

What if you gave as much validation to your nonphysical senses as you did to your physical ones? Then, when you receive an insight of how your spirit guide may appear, feel the sense of their presence and hear a thought come into your mind of something helpful, you will know that what happened is as real as your friend giving you a hug.

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