Feeling the Power of Spirit

feeling the power of spirit IMG 0529 crop color corrected 580x785Relying on spirit for guidance this past year when there are so many different truths and perspectives has truly allowed Melissa and I to remain in peace, abundance and love.

When spirit comes to me and speaks clearly and powerfully, my aura is completely healed and the truth of spirit is so refreshing.

It’s like bathing in a heavenly light that fills me with a perfect state of mind, body and emotion. This photo of me was taken in Beverly Hills, CA, off Wilshire Blvd. I remember the feeling of spirit in that moment was strong.

I go into this space daily with spirit and I’m grateful that I’ve made my spiritual connection my #1 priority.

The answers I receive from spirit about my health, relationships, purpose and so many other things, are always helpful.

Sometimes the answers are unexpected and sometimes I would have preferred a different answer, but spirit is always helping me reach higher into my soul’s magical purpose.

While spirit’s love does not need to be proven, it certainly has been proven to me a thousand times.

Many people don't feel a relationship with spirit. Instead they feel disconnected. Deep down everyone wants to feel oneness with spirit.

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Highest Benefit Is Happening, Even Now

No Matter What Things Might Look Like 2 mg 1525 3113 580x580webWhat does “Highest Benefit” really mean...and why does it matter to you?

The Highest Benefit matters to you because:

You are being directed to it every day,

Things often work out different than you thought because of it, and

Prayers go unanswered because of it.

Do you know the song Unanswered Prayers? It’s a song that says “some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers” and it talks about being young and praying that you would end up with a certain person. It goes on to say that now, later in life, being married and grateful that your original prayer wasn’t answered because you know who you ended up with is the best person for you.

We sometimes can’t see what the best experience is for us, but Spirit does see it clearly.

When I was a child my Dad played this song in the car, as his music taste was usually country or Elvis Presley. The lyrics had struck me then and I’ve come back to them throughout my life. The lyrics helped me to know there is a greater orchestration than I could possibly see. To me, the lyrics meant sometimes we don’t see our highest benefit in the moment but we understand it looking back.

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I Want What Is Right – Surrender Mantra for the Highest Benefit

I Want What Is Right Not To Be Right 004001 R1 012 2 580x580 300dpiI want the highest benefit, more than I want it to be MY WAY.

Every day we’re participating with manifestation. We’re either moving forward with co-manifesting the highest benefit with Spirit, or we’re creating resistance to the highest benefit being manifested.

If you’re unsure on what the highest benefit is from Spirit’s viewpoint, contact us and we’ll share some resources to begin learning about it.

Once I learned that highest benefit literally means the highest benefit for everyone, I started seeing life differently.

Life is not simply to have my every human desire become manifest.

I don’t always like this fact and when I am having an inner conflict my mantra for this is:

I want what is right.

…not to be right.

Have you made this distinction with your own inner dialogue?

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Life Everlasting – Conversations and Healing With Your Deceased Loved One

life everlasting conversations and healing with your deceased loved one mg 7310 1856 580x387Three years ago my sister passed, but I’ve seen her spirit since then. She appeared to me in a vision, smiling with joyful spiritual love, and it filled me with a deeper feeling of peace that despite her tragic physical death her spirit is happy and free.

Last week we met our Advanced Practitioners of Voice Channeling® and discussed the incredible, continued relationship we are all having with our deceased loved ones.

One person who lost her sister and father this year, saw both of them sitting together on a bench laughing. This was during her Voice Channeling® session a few weeks prior. She shared, “I feel less and less the difference between their souls being in this physical life with me, and where they are now as energy. That it is more ONE LIFE. My experience of them is turning into one experience, rather than two separate experiences. I feel less and less separation. As a personality I feel their absence, the fact they are not here physically with us, participating with us in this human life, but as spirit, as energy, I don’t feel different. It’s a really good feeling, very interesting how that difference is just disappearing for me.”

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My Faith Walk with Spirit Was Proven to Me

my faith walk with spirit was proven to me 20131116 132746 580x387brightIn 2003 I was working for a natural body care company. Two years prior I had my epiphany with God-The Source, and since then had been talking to Spirit daily in channeling and working with them to heal my body and receive clear direction. I had so many problems and illnesses that Spirit guiding me completely healed.

I enjoyed my inside sales position talking to places like Whole Foods to get the natural care body line into stores. It was a pretty easy-going good job that paid well.

One evening I was home, taking a meditative fifteen-minute break lying down on my bed and all of the sudden the power of God-The Source comes to me and says, “Move, move north… move to Salt Lake City, Utah.” I had never been there, didn’t know anyone who lived in Utah and didn’t know anything about it.

“Wow, move…I have this job?” The Source said, “Go into work tomorrow and quit.” That was very scary for me because at that point I was twenty-seven, had a job and a great place to live, and had this spiritual thing I did where I was leading groups and doing sessions on the side. It was a major life change, a complete blind move to a location I knew nothing about. It was scary and there were a lot of subconscious things I hadn’t cleared yet that weren’t allowing me to go in the next day and quit.

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Spiritual Healing – How to Manage Your Energy to Create Perfect Health

spiritual healing how to manage your energy to create perfect health x 0075 20 580wEverything is energy.

Becoming sensitive and aware of our energy is the first step. That can simply be noticing discomforts. The opposite of wellness and perfect health is where we can say we’re uncomfortable, there’s something going on that’s uncomfortable, we don’t feel in our greatest place, state of mind, body and emotion.

Discomforts are definitely something I was aware of early on. I faced many health challenges physically. In middle and high school is when my health challenges really started taking a toll. Every couple weeks I’d come down with something, have pain, and it was really debilitating. It included:

• My digestive system was upset on a daily basis,
• I got to a point where I was having fainting and dizziness every day,
• I had chronic: migraine headaches, fatigue, infections,
• Respiratory issues in my throat like bronchitis and tonsillitis,
• Hypoglycemia…

My mother had me go to medical doctors who did tests, MRIs, gave me medicine, and nothing helped. That was very defeating and I know a lot of people feel that way that go through severe health challenges. Many feel they’re not getting the help that they would ideally like to receive. Maybe something helps a little but not fully. Or maybe something they do with western medicine makes it worse. That happened with me with some of the migraine medicines that produced their own symptoms and side effects.

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Channeled Message – Spiritual Realm Direct Access Granted

channeled message spiritual realm direct access granted t SuUs6oPejg 580brightcropAfter twenty minutes of Spirit Voice Channeling® through me about feeling the unconditional love of Source, the energy of perseverance and overcoming anything, and how to allow God to work through you (all available in the previous blogs), I asked Spirit if there is anything else they wanted me to share with you.

A stronger energy came in. It was the energy of God-Source, and this is what was said:

“To know themselves. To know themselves is to know their spirit. Their spirit being their soul's nature and the guides that are with them. Because one cannot truly know themselves by their humanity alone. The total picture of your beingness goes beyond your life stories, human desires, and what you like and dislike.

Your soul self goes far beyond your personality alone. A wisdom beyond the physical happens as one develops themselves into alignment with their soul. A new unified, spiritual version of your personality emerges, where your perspective embodies a grounded, present, love-based acceptance for every moment of life and every aspect of Creation. Spiritual Clarity and Vision come to you faster and easier...

This is the goal for humanity, to know and live as your beautiful soul.

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Channeled Message – Rise Into Your Soul’s Brighter Vision

channeled message rise into your souls brighter vision ise GyPfMtH 580brightcropI recently shared in an interview that my path always includes, ‘Walking Through the Fire’. What this means is to become the person I most want to be and fulfill my purpose to uplift the world, I must continually GROW into the next Evolution of Myself.

If you are also interested in your personal evolution, to create a more fulfilling life, or give greater benefit to your family or career path, then you’ll especially love this encouraging message today.

We’ve all ‘been through it’ and are ‘going through it’ and it’s helpful to hear what Spirit has to say about us humans having our Earth experience.

Here is Spirit’s message for all of us, speaking through me:

"Perseverance is built into life. Where you persevere, you overcome, and it is natural to believe that within you is everything you need to overcome any life challenge. It is natural to deal with and overcome struggle.

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Channeled Message – Spirit Washing Away Your Doubts

channeled message spirit washing away your doubts se H7WAQkfgA 580brightcropTaking a deep breath, the energy began at my left ear and then moved through my head to my right ear, like a line of energy.

I breathed in and then felt the energy coming from the crown of my head and moving down into my forehead.

Again I breathed in, as the energy moved down behind my eyes and nose. I continued to feel the energy in different places in and around my head. My guide Katherine spoke through my voice:

“The message is simple, love yourself as we love you.

Yet most of you don’t know what our love FEELS LIKE because you ignore it anytime you begin to feel its sensations as a fantasy.

Yet, in this moment you can:

1. Allow yourself to feel the love and magic of Creation, of the Source to surround you.

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Your Soul’s Voice – From Ego to Love

your souls voice from ego to soul 1030 144 246 580croppedYour soul’s voice guides your every step because you are your soul. So why doesn’t it always feel like your inner voice is there leading you forward. . .and how do you break through the ego to amplify your soul’s loving voice?

Imagine that your humanity or human personality includes your mind, emotion, body, the way you look and your total physicality, and it represents a pane of glass or window. Whether your human personality choses ego-based alignment or soul-based alignment determines if the window to your soul is colored severely or completely clear.

When you’re coming from ego, your glass is clouded or colored. The more you come from your loving soul, the glass is clear and transparent. Having a transparent, clear window to your soul shines the most powerful, clear light of your soul through to be seen, felt, and known by the people in your life and the whole world.

This metaphor is important as we reveal, understand and transform ego-based perspectives into the perspectives and energies of our loving soul. This soul-based alignment produces the most magnificent, beautiful soul light, and when people come in contact with this pure light they are forever touched and changed. The clearer your soul light shines through, the greater impact you have on helping humanity achieve world peace and harmony.

To reveal, understand and align more with your loving soul:

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Channeling Spirit's Love for Healing

channeling spirits love for healing et HX6VZ1MxC 580wcroppedbrightSurrendering to our Higher Power opens the floodgates of Spirit’s love to channel into us and through us for miracles to happen. What does it mean to completely surrender to the Divine?

Most importantly, it requires the intention and a confident belief in it happening.

Let’s explore some details of how we can surrender more to our Higher Power and Channel Spiritual Divine Love.

The fast track to dissolving resistance between you and your Higher Power is to become aware of the thought patterns that are posing questions of disbelief or doubt.

Anything within your subconscious mind that contributes to concerns, fears or doubts about feeling safe, one with and intimately connected to your Creator is what we want to shine a light on.

Because interestingly enough, the resistance or walls that we have between us and Spirit are the same walls that you will see between yourself and the world around you physically.

If we feel unsafe and scared in one part of our life, that fear will translate into other parts of our existence.

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Psychic Power – The Engine of Healing and Manifesting

psychic power the engine of healing and manifesting iStock 000022553945 580x387Our greatest assurance of being in the highest health, wellbeing and capability to manifest our dreams and purpose, is becoming soul-based. This gift to ourselves means we are in a sustainable, constant connection with our human potential and living it.

Soul-Based Living is an energetic potential that provides us with access to the infinite wisdom of our soul. The path of aligning with this potential is cultivating awareness of our self so that we may choose soul-based experiences over ego-based ones.

Therefore, healing or transformation is simply a matter of choice,

• choosing for instance unconditional love, listening and understanding,
• instead of conditional love, blaming and proving.

From these daily choices to perceive our life in a soul-based way, we manifest feelings of joy, passion and fulfillment of our purpose in this life, because Soul-Based Living naturally reveals our deepest soul truths to us. (see Five Accomplishments® Coaching)

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Spirit’s Prophecy Lighting the World

spirits prophecy lighting the world ok SX75JJMxC 580wcropbrightProphets come in two forms: the Spiritual Prophet who receives their future insight directly from Spirit, and the other type of prophet is a Psychic Prophet who taps into potential future outcomes with their psychic capability.

Prophecy literally means probability of a future outcome.

There are advantages to both ways of getting prophecy. A Psychic Prophet can look at future outcomes based on choices they’re making in the moment, and decide on the best choice based on the outcome they prefer most. This has daily practical application, especially for those of you who are Practitioners of some type in the Wellness Industry. Psychic Prophecy can greatly help you support your clients, or personally with family members and friends.

Spiritual Prophecy is typically the type of insight that comes to someone as an epiphany or “vision” or during the dreaming process. When Spirit delivers a prophetic insight they have calculated what you need to see and know, based on your purpose, life situation, strengths and challenges, and overall highest benefit. It’s nice when Spirit brings future insight, but it certainly happens when Spirit wants it to happen, whereas Psychic Prophecy can be used whenever a person needs it.

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Recoding Your Subconscious to Joy and Love

recoding your subconscious to joy and love x 0129 23 580wcroppedbrightImagine your subconscious mind as a vast storehouse of every experience you’ve had during this lifetime. Layer upon layer, our subconscious mind is coded with every perception we have, starting from when we are in our mother’s womb. From the first moments of physical consciousness, our viewpoint of life is being built. Once we come out into the world, there is no filter on our mind. Our mind receives and imprints all that we witness. This greatly shapes our future experiences that we will have.

As we grow into our teenage years and beyond, our subconscious mind is greatly formed. But we have the ability to discern and filter what we accept as our version of reality. This formation process of our subconscious mind directly determines how joy and love are inspired from our interactions with the world, and how these wonderful feelings are also restricted and muffled.

For some joy is fleeting, felt only for moments at a time. For others joy is more consistent and expansive, filling each day and most interactions with people.

One thing that we all have in common is a deep desire or longing for more joy and love. To feel love and joy deeper and more sustainable is at the heart of every person’s vision for life.

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Psychic Healing – Amplifying the Energy

psychic healing amplifying the energy hts rQjq0 g0 580w croppednobookbrightPsychic Energy or Universal Energy, also known as Prana Energy, is used for Psychic Healing. This energy is abundant and can be called upon on, channeled and used by anyone!

“Energy Healers” use this Psychic Healing Energy to help themselves and their clients.

Psychic Healing is different than Spiritual Healing. Both forms of healing are similar in that they can affect and change the Physical Universe, including you on all levels: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, but they are quite different in how they are ignited, received and used.

Spiritual Healing can be called on or requested by a human. But it is up to the Source whether the spiritual energy will be transmitted to them, through them. This energy of ‘spirit’ or ‘spiritual healing’ energy has the ability to produce miracles. Miracles are true instant and complete changes to someone. Medically speaking, a miracle would produce a change in the body as though the defect was never there. Miracles bend and violate universal laws, which is why only the Source can grant them based on the highest benefit. In our Voice Channeling® sessions, natural spiritual healing energy is transmitted automatically through you because of Spirit sharing your aura space with you during the experience!

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Spirit Guides – What Are Their Names and Purpose

spirit guides what are their names and purpose ng St lyNo9l 580w cropped“What is the name of my Spirit Guide?” is the initial question everyone has. Why do you think everyone wants to know this?

It’s because we all want a tangible connection with the nonphysical support team that we have, and a name is a way to begin that relationship. We introduce ourselves to other people with our name, and so we also want that introduction to our Spirit Guides!

Learning the names of our Spirit Guides always makes me think of Romeo and Juliet’s quote of, “What is in a name?” Which means, ‘What is the importance or significant meaning of a name?’

As human beings, it is a way to humanize spirit and have them present a personality to help us anchor and ground our energetic line of communication with them.

Spirit guides have a vibration, unique and individual, that is recognized by all other Spirit’s. A name, as humans know it, is a word that represents a vibration of that Spirit Guide.

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How to Manage Your Energy as an Empath

how to manage your energy as an empath G 2260 2442 580wEmpaths are strong Intuitive Feelers, otherwise known as Clairsentience. You may consider yourself a ‘sensitive’ or be a healer.

A strong empath or feeler will have more of a tendency to take energies on and into them, beyond simply perceiving the energy.

Have you felt like you’re taking on other people’s energy, or had difficulty in groups of people publicly?

We are always affected by our interactions and that which we perceive in the physical world and intuitively. It’s how evolution of consciousness works. But that doesn’t mean you need to take into your energy field other people’s energy. There’s a difference.

Perceive the information without absorbing the information.

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Manifesting Destiny – What No One’s Talking About

manifesting destiny what no ones talking about C 3908 1514 580x387croppedWhen it comes to manifesting your destiny, we need to address vital points that nobody’s talking about.

This is an Advanced Teaching that I’ve previously only introduced to long-term clients because there is so much to learn to properly harness the power of this advanced manifesting focus. But because so many people are struggling to create the life they desire, I want to at least open your mind to what’s possible today, and what may be interfering with what you want to manifest.
(more on Spiritual Life Coaching with Jason Nelson)

First, I need to introduce you to an important spiritual teaching on the HUGE difference between the Nonphysical and Physical World.

The Nonphysical Spirit World can only serve our highest benefit – without exception! Meaning that spiritual guidance is working for the highest benefit of every person.

Whereas the Physical Universe, where we as spirit incarnate into as humans on Earth, has the potential for that which is not our highest benefit.

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Angels, Guardian Angels, Gatekeepers – Get to Know Your Primary and Secondary Spirit Guides

angels guardianangels gatekeepers SoFGr2YLDl 580wLong ago when souls first incarnated into the human on Earth, there needed to be beings that would oversee their entire life from birth until death. These beings are called Primary Guides, because they are the first and last being to have a direct influence over your lifetime.

Primary guides have been called by many names: Angels, Guardian Angels, Gatekeepers, God. You may call this influence on your life any name you are comfortable with.

You only have one primary guide and their main responsibility is to execute your soul's plan that it created before you incarnated. To achieve your soul's goals requires bringing in secondary guides on a daily basis.

The difference between a primary guide and a secondary guide isn't based on their evolution, experiences or even expertise. Simply, the primary guide has chosen to be with one human for their entire life, and a secondary guide has chosen to influence them for a duration of time that is directly dependent upon the benefit to and fulfillment of the human's needs.

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Spirit Knows Your Deepest Soul Desire

spirit knows your deepest soul desire 7 8984 217 580wYou are not alone, ever, and we're not speaking about the lofty way it's often talked about with God and spirit guides always being 'there'. This support goes far beyond a 'presence' and bridges the gap into the physical world to help you with your practical challenges and everyday choices of life.

There will be a point in your life—Invite It In Now—when you will decide to bring the relationship with your higher power into a tangible place, where spirit can provide you with answers, solutions and your deepest soul desires. Because in those deepest desires, lies the forward path into your life purpose and accomplishing it.

You see, the energetic direction of where you’re meant to go and who you’re meant to travel with is always knocking at the door. It's always tapping you on the shoulder. . .and you feel it. For some people, they actually see it in vision. Others know it with confidence. For some it's subtle and others it's strong.

Let's look at how you can increase your ease and confidence through the challenges and choices you have right now in your life. We’re going to look at how to receive your deepest soul desires from your higher power.

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3 Universal Healing Influences to Master Your Life Force Energy

three universal healing influences to master your life force energy C 9102 1100 580wAs you move forward to realize your most fulfilling life and abundant health, accessing your untapped potential for healing is extremely important.

It could be said that there are three main ways to influence your life and cultivate a wellbeing that adds decades to your life, slowing or even stopping the aging process.

These three ways represent the three universes, the: Source, Nonphysical, and Physical. We're going to introduce these ways to help you master your energy, so you can live fully and purposefully.

The Physical Universe represents using your mind to reprogram your thoughts, so you can refocus your mental and emotional energies to manifest the most abundant life. We call this soul-based living, because ideally it's aligning your emotions and thoughts with your soul's true loving perspective. When this happens, an untapped potential is released.

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How to Invoke Spiritual Healing Miracles

how to invoke spiritual healing miracles SKjZKb0mj5g 580wOf your four intuitive qualities, the most influential for invoking spiritual healing is your Intuitive Knowing, also known as Claircognizance. It will bring you a clearer and stronger spiritual healing, as well as increase the likelihood of God-The Source intervening on your behalf in what is called a Miracle.

Miracles happen when there is an instant, permanent change that can only be granted by the Source and will bend and break universal laws, depending on the miracle that is being granted.

An example of a miracle physical healing is with someone on life support, given a small chance of living because an organ is damaged, and they are instantly helped and changed, being healed of that ailment. This usually amazes doctors who can’t see a logical reason for such a spontaneous healing, but you do hear stories of this or perhaps have experienced this with someone close to you.

I’ve experienced a couple miracles in my life. My physical teacher, Katherine Beck, who I met when she was 82 (she crossed into the Spirit World at 88 in 2008) was a miracle healer.

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Why Your Deceased Loved One Transitioned

why your deceased loved one transitioned nd HXOpN1Mg0 580wPeople will transition in our lives, because that’s part of life.

Sometimes we do and sometimes we don’t understand why it happens, or why it happens to this person at this time. But there is always a reason for every soul’s transition into the Nonphysical Universe.

Something that we want to keep in mind is that with every transition there is a unique story behind it and illuminating the story can be incredibly healing for those that knew the person.

Through that story comes a familiarity with the soul itself, the vibration, the expression of the soul of the person.

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Table Seating for the Spirit – Holiday Guests from the Other Side

table seating for the spirit holiday guests from the other side c09165 4461 580w newDuring this time, this sacred, special, meaningful Holiday Season, we are encouraged to remember what we’re grateful for and share love with family and friends.

Breaking bread around the dinner table and saying prayers is a way we connect a little deeper than other times of the year with family and friends.

But have you invited all your friends and all your family to your sacred dinner table? Have you sent out invitations to the other side? I’m talking about the Nonphysical Universe and your invisible family and friends.

I see the Nonphysical Universe as well as feel, hear and know it, because I’ve developed all four of my intuitive qualities equally. Add to that, a powerful ability to communicate with spirit and my holidays are jampacked with all of my most beloved soul friends and family. My guides and deceased loved ones love attending gatherings and dinners during this time of the year, so I’m sure to include them.

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Knowing the Deepest Desires of Your Soul

knowing the deepest desires of your soul G 6798 2229 580wAre my wants and desires coming from my soul?

A common question people ask is whether that feeling is of the soul or just a human desire.

Have you ever thought, “It feels like my soul longs for and wants *this*?”

What’s true is that our personality has wants and desires, and our soul also has wants and desires. The soul’s desires are always going to be the most purposeful and fulfilling, but may also be challenging. Typically the human personality’s desires are more of a comfortable feeling because it’s human to choose what we think is a path of least resistance. The issue is our limited human mind can’t know for sure which path is going to lead us into the greatest soul fulfillment. Only the soul knows this.

Sometimes the wants of our personality are aligned with our soul, but often times they are not. Timing is usually where we’re off using only the human mind. We may strongly feel we’re meant to have something right now, when it actually may be years away.

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