Highest Benefit Is Happening, Even Now

No Matter What Things Might Look Like 2 mg 1525 3113 580x580webWhat does “Highest Benefit” really mean...and why does it matter to you?

The Highest Benefit matters to you because:

You are being directed to it every day,

Things often work out different than you thought because of it, and

Prayers go unanswered because of it.

Do you know the song Unanswered Prayers? It’s a song that says “some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers” and it talks about being young and praying that you would end up with a certain person. It goes on to say that now, later in life, being married and grateful that your original prayer wasn’t answered because you know who you ended up with is the best person for you.

We sometimes can’t see what the best experience is for us, but Spirit does see it clearly.

When I was a child my Dad played this song in the car, as his music taste was usually country or Elvis Presley. The lyrics had struck me then and I’ve come back to them throughout my life. The lyrics helped me to know there is a greater orchestration than I could possibly see. To me, the lyrics meant sometimes we don’t see our highest benefit in the moment but we understand it looking back.

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My Faith Walk with Spirit Was Proven to Me

my faith walk with spirit was proven to me 20131116 132746 580x387brightIn 2003 I was working for a natural body care company. Two years prior I had my epiphany with God-The Source, and since then had been talking to Spirit daily in channeling and working with them to heal my body and receive clear direction. I had so many problems and illnesses that Spirit guiding me completely healed.

I enjoyed my inside sales position talking to places like Whole Foods to get the natural care body line into stores. It was a pretty easy-going good job that paid well.

One evening I was home, taking a meditative fifteen-minute break lying down on my bed and all of the sudden the power of God-The Source comes to me and says, “Move, move north… move to Salt Lake City, Utah.” I had never been there, didn’t know anyone who lived in Utah and didn’t know anything about it.

“Wow, move…I have this job?” The Source said, “Go into work tomorrow and quit.” That was very scary for me because at that point I was twenty-seven, had a job and a great place to live, and had this spiritual thing I did where I was leading groups and doing sessions on the side. It was a major life change, a complete blind move to a location I knew nothing about. It was scary and there were a lot of subconscious things I hadn’t cleared yet that weren’t allowing me to go in the next day and quit.

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Incredible Manifestation Power from the Universe

incredible manifestation power from the universe nd S7bg20ZxA 580x387brightcroppedUnconditional Receiving. We have been taught that receiving is not something you allow openly. You've got to give, give, give and only then you can receive. What would it look like for you to truly unconditionally receive?

The ultimate expression of manifesting is receiving everything from the Universe, without needing to give anything back in return.

You may say, “That feels uncomfortable.” I want to invite you to consider what your life would be like if you gave yourself permission to receive all the energy that the Universe has to share with you. Without:

• judging it,
• micro managing it,
• doubting it,
• going into the ‘should I’, ‘but’
• and then trying to equate what you need to give back to reciprocate.

What if you just simply allowed and received everything from the Universe…people, places, situations in your life, Spirit, God…just be this receiver. *What if your purpose was simply, ‘receiving’?

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Channeled Message – Spiritual Realm Direct Access Granted

channeled message spiritual realm direct access granted t SuUs6oPejg 580brightcropAfter twenty minutes of Spirit Voice Channeling® through me about feeling the unconditional love of Source, the energy of perseverance and overcoming anything, and how to allow God to work through you (all available in the previous blogs), I asked Spirit if there is anything else they wanted me to share with you.

A stronger energy came in. It was the energy of God-Source, and this is what was said:

“To know themselves. To know themselves is to know their spirit. Their spirit being their soul's nature and the guides that are with them. Because one cannot truly know themselves by their humanity alone. The total picture of your beingness goes beyond your life stories, human desires, and what you like and dislike.

Your soul self goes far beyond your personality alone. A wisdom beyond the physical happens as one develops themselves into alignment with their soul. A new unified, spiritual version of your personality emerges, where your perspective embodies a grounded, present, love-based acceptance for every moment of life and every aspect of Creation. Spiritual Clarity and Vision come to you faster and easier...

This is the goal for humanity, to know and live as your beautiful soul.

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Psychics – Get the Most Value From Your Reading

psychics get the most value from your reading g BYEwgy4s5g 580wA Psychic Reading is simply reading information about a part of the Universe with our Nonphysical intuitive senses.

Sometimes we like to go to a professional to have them read an aspect of our life or the Universe for us, so that we can have insight to make the best decisions.

Other times we are the professional psychic doing the reading for someone and want to produce the most purposeful, effective experience for that client that comes to us.

The fact of the matter is, we are all constantly reading existence with our psychic perception because it’s a natural soul ability within us. But that doesn’t mean that many people are even aware of what they’re doing.

To get the most value from a reading for another human being, we want to look at a few things that indicate deeper value and accuracy, with information that is actionable.

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Intuitive Playtime – Making It Light and Fun

intuitive playtime making it light and fun G 2452 36 580x387The pursuit of intuitive development brings most people to a place of wanting more. Have you thought about your intuitive development?

What are your thoughts when you’ve played with your intuition, but it didn’t give you the full satisfaction of the insight you were wanting to receive?

Timing is big. You receive an insight, but you don’t have the correct timing for it so it leaves you confused. Or,
• You might get a Vision, but it doesn’t make sense to you or you don’t know how to apply it to your life. Or,
• A thought comes into your mind about what to do and how to do it and you’re not sure if you should tell the Other Person Involved about it.
• Most commonly you get a little something, but it’s not enough for you to feel confident to Trust it and take Action with it.

There’s a beautiful balance between becoming an accurate, confident psychic and keeping it light and fun. Nothing replaces focused, deep intuitive development work. However, aside from the sessions and continued education on intuitive development, you’ve got a lot of space in between for intuitive playtime! This means all of the normal moments of your day-to-day life with your family, kids, friends, career, purpose and pastime activities.

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Manifesting Destiny – What No One’s Talking About

manifesting destiny what no ones talking about C 3908 1514 580x387croppedWhen it comes to manifesting your destiny, we need to address vital points that nobody’s talking about.

This is an Advanced Teaching that I’ve previously only introduced to long-term clients because there is so much to learn to properly harness the power of this advanced manifesting focus. But because so many people are struggling to create the life they desire, I want to at least open your mind to what’s possible today, and what may be interfering with what you want to manifest.
(more on Spiritual Life Coaching with Jason Nelson)

First, I need to introduce you to an important spiritual teaching on the HUGE difference between the Nonphysical and Physical World.

The Nonphysical Spirit World can only serve our highest benefit – without exception! Meaning that spiritual guidance is working for the highest benefit of every person.

Whereas the Physical Universe, where we as spirit incarnate into as humans on Earth, has the potential for that which is not our highest benefit.

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Timing is Everything with Prophetic Visions

timing is everything with prophetic visions est rmP30WgA 580w When a prophetic vision comes to you, a vision of the future, you may feel a sense of urgency for the vision to come true. This is because when we receive a prophetic vision it's often a powerful experience for us.

Unfortunately, many people misunderstand the timing of their vision and become disappointed or doubt themselves. Receiving a future vision today, does not mean it will happen today, next year, or even ten years from now.

It is very helpful to discern the accurate timing of your vision and your participation with it. You may have a specific role with the vision that needs to be understood. Having context for your vision in relation to your whole life is just as important as the vision itself.

I wrote my first book, Age of the Soul, using channeled writing in 2006. While channeling the book, I received a prophetic vision about a physical university to be co-created with myself, other like-minded individuals, and God-The Source. However, now eleven years later, the actual timing for the physical university is not today, but years down the road.

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Manifesting Beyond the Law of Attraction

powering up your feeling of spirit 8 5349 846 580wInfluences are constantly affecting our ability to manifest. Teachers are tapping into higher levels of manifesting: conscious thoughts; then, subconscious thoughts; finally, manifesting beyond the Law of Attraction altogether.

It's likely many people reading this are thinking, how can something be more effective than even the "Law of Attraction"...it's a universal law, isn't it?

The interesting, missed understanding about universal laws, is they mostly govern our physical experience, but there are exceptions, for instance, where the Law of Attraction does not govern our life direction, in the context of focusing our thoughts to manifest something.

Manifesting beyond the Law of Attraction does involve our conscious and subconscious mind, and something else...aligning with our soul's life purpose.

'Soul Manifesting' is an approach to manifesting that is far more effective, in so many ways, than only using 'Mental Manifesting'. They complement each other, and they are quite different at the same time.

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Spirit Knows Your Deepest Soul Desire

spirit knows your deepest soul desire 7 8984 217 580wYou are not alone, ever, and we're not speaking about the lofty way it's often talked about with God and spirit guides always being 'there'. This support goes far beyond a 'presence' and bridges the gap into the physical world to help you with your practical challenges and everyday choices of life.

There will be a point in your life—Invite It In Now—when you will decide to bring the relationship with your higher power into a tangible place, where spirit can provide you with answers, solutions and your deepest soul desires. Because in those deepest desires, lies the forward path into your life purpose and accomplishing it.

You see, the energetic direction of where you’re meant to go and who you’re meant to travel with is always knocking at the door. It's always tapping you on the shoulder. . .and you feel it. For some people, they actually see it in vision. Others know it with confidence. For some it's subtle and others it's strong.

Let's look at how you can increase your ease and confidence through the challenges and choices you have right now in your life. We’re going to look at how to receive your deepest soul desires from your higher power.

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Channel a Book – Share Your Soul's Voice

channel a book share your souls voice nd rm4F0CbgC 580wAnchoring your soul’s voice physically actually helps it manifest more clearly.

Channeling a book from your soul, or even directly from your higher power, is of the most fulfilling experiences and infinitely important, because it solidifies a real, true compass of energetic direction and wisdom that is beyond what our individual self may have knowledge of…and it’s not just for a select few, it’s an ability you have too.

I use channeled writing to bring through my books, currently published and available including Age of the Soul and Empower Our Children. The experience is incredible, invigorating and tremendously healing.

When I was called to channel my first book, it did not make sense to me. I got D’s in English class, because it was my least favorite subject. I had no idea what I would write.

I said, “Really God, me?” Source told me, “Just write.” So I did, initially channeling my first book in two weeks.

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Why Your Deceased Loved One Transitioned

why your deceased loved one transitioned nd HXOpN1Mg0 580wPeople will transition in our lives, because that’s part of life.

Sometimes we do and sometimes we don’t understand why it happens, or why it happens to this person at this time. But there is always a reason for every soul’s transition into the Nonphysical Universe.

Something that we want to keep in mind is that with every transition there is a unique story behind it and illuminating the story can be incredibly healing for those that knew the person.

Through that story comes a familiarity with the soul itself, the vibration, the expression of the soul of the person.

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Access the Energy Line of Spirit Leading You

access the energy line of spirit leading you s BjcZxZ5Uvx 580Allowing spirit to lead you grants access to an energy line that few people have connected to.

A few big ways people prevent spirit from leading include: procrastinating, mistrust, and not having an effective technique to hear, see, know and feel spirit.

For Melissa and I, we recently overcame the procrastination around guidance spirit gave us two years ago. They instructed us to move to snowy Big Bear Lake, California, two and a half hours from the life and people we know. Actually, the big reason we have procrastinated is because of the long, windy road going up the mountain, and the thought of driving down and back up it once a week.

But we’re making the move this week. We can feel the change happening and look forward to finally following spirit’s instructions to live there.

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Knowing the Deepest Desires of Your Soul

knowing the deepest desires of your soul G 6798 2229 580wAre my wants and desires coming from my soul?

A common question people ask is whether that feeling is of the soul or just a human desire.

Have you ever thought, “It feels like my soul longs for and wants *this*?”

What’s true is that our personality has wants and desires, and our soul also has wants and desires. The soul’s desires are always going to be the most purposeful and fulfilling, but may also be challenging. Typically the human personality’s desires are more of a comfortable feeling because it’s human to choose what we think is a path of least resistance. The issue is our limited human mind can’t know for sure which path is going to lead us into the greatest soul fulfillment. Only the soul knows this.

Sometimes the wants of our personality are aligned with our soul, but often times they are not. Timing is usually where we’re off using only the human mind. We may strongly feel we’re meant to have something right now, when it actually may be years away.

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When Your Intuition Leads You Astray

when your intuition leads you astray ght rQ ByGxA 580w brightWe’ve all felt this at some point:

“My intuition led me astray and I didn’t end up where I thought I would. What’s going on?”

It doesn’t feel good to believe that we are empowered in a direction with information from a soul level, only to find that it doesn’t seem to pan out. This directly hits on triggers in our subconscious mind around doubting, confusion and second-guessing ourselves.

People commonly experience things like:

• Getting intuition to move forward with a partner, only to not have it work out.
• Feeling to purchase something that will be ‘the solution’, but the problem did not get resolved.

So, was your intuition incorrect? Three of the most likely answers are:

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